
Saturday, January 19, 2008


With a glance in the rear view mirror,
I turn to my Father in prayer.
I know I need perspective.
Tender mercy and care
Where, from sin, I am freed.
Lifted from doubts and despair,
From things that so easily beset me.
Where there is love that naught can compare.

With the spirit I can see what needs to be...
I want to know, where I need to go.
For I want to grow.

Who can know what lies before each of us?
I turn to my father, dearly.
For He can lead me to a distance.
Line upon line to grow, slowly.
I turn to Him humbly and fully.
And He raises me to see more clearly.
I recognize, it is the vistas I need
In the past, I'd missed the best scenery!

With the spirit I can see what needs to be.
I want to know, where I need to go
For I want to grow.

When I strive to reach new heights,
I think of my Savior in prayer.
Will I ever grasp all He has done for me?
As He suffered great pain to bear?
He alone, understands where I've been
Who I am when no one's there
He, alone, sees beyond my frailties.
My greatest fears, with Him, I can share.

With the Spirit I can see, 
He died for me.
I want to know How I can show
That I love Him so.

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