
Saturday, January 19, 2008

This Sunday Has Come at Last to Humbly Pray

This Sunday has come at last to humbly pray .
And, now, for what purpose will I fast today?
What part of my faith needs fortifying?
Perhaps it's what drains me into crying!

How oft have I let this day slip away?
Without any thought to fast and to pray?
I'll trust and obey it's only for my good-
Thus, loving Heavenly Father, as I should.

I can show my love to my fellow man.
I'll observe this simple plan. Yes, I can.
If I for them do pray, they will notice
The good that comes from this simple practice!

We must lift our heart, our minds, our voices.
A fast will help us make better choices.
With love we'll generously succor the weak.
And lift up hands who in need pray and seek.

- Joseph B. Wirthlin

88–91, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Jul 2001,
“The Law of the Fast, ” Liahona

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