
Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Spiritual Gift of Being Quick to Observe

A message is heard.
It leaves an impact.
It wasn't a word.
Or even a fact.
What made us discern?
Our spiritual ears?
Or observed concern
Mingled with tears?
As new resolve nears.

Without a reserve
We're set, we resolve.
“Be quick to observe,”
As care does evolve,
When we have felt moved.
We know we must leap.
It's time to be proved.
We've promptings to keep.
We are not lost sheep.

Through prayer we're given
Power to detect
What is from heaven,
What not to neglect.
Our growth we'll behold.
Where once was concealed,
Our good will unfold,
Spiritually revealed.
And, resolve is sealed.

- Elder Bednar

30–36, David A. Bednar, Dec 2006, “Quick to Observe, ” Ensign

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