
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Our Inspired Constitution

We have an inspired constitution
What exactly does that mean to me?
Through the law and through obedience
I can enjoy life and liberty

How did the quest for freedom begin?
What led these men to struggle within?
How many of them each other knew
Did they speak from where their yearnings grew?

For checks and balances more seasoned
Our founding fathers met and reasoned
As common cause became their goal
It united them with purpose whole

A miracle did unite this group
Though they could not pay for their own troupe
With borrowed money and with debt
They had much work that they must do yet

A bill of rights, soverenity
How to treat each man with dignity
How to maintain the rights of all flesh
Yet politically combine and mesh

Dallin H. Oaks,
Ensign, Feb 1992, 68
“The Divinely Inspired Constitution, ”

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