
Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Peril of Hidden Wedges

A faller's wedge placed in a tree
Remained where it ought not to be.
The branches grew and swelled around.
And then one night without a sound-
An ice storm weighed the burdened trunk.
And down the branches went- kerplunk.

Some feelings hurt and trouble so.
But, to others they do not know.
It festers much and builds inside,
Though how hard one might try to hide.
Till one day it resurfaces.
And lays more blame with purposes.

A hidden wedge placed long ago.
Has pierced my heart and claimed my growth.
Where it can canker easily.
Imagined hurts and jealousy
Must be resolved, and then destroyed,
For life was meant to be enjoyed.

A burden shared is always best.
When we solve hurts, lay them to rest,
The enemy becomes a friend.
When we forgive there is an end.
We close the gap, we sort it out.
That's what life is truly about!

- Thomas S. Monson

4–9, Jul 2007, Thomas S. Monson,
“The Peril of Hidden Wedges, ” Ensign

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