
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our God Truly is God

Our God Truly is God

Oh God, where art Thou?
I cry out to Thee
For guidance, and how
With humility

As I ponder Thee
I can see Thy hand
Working hard for me
And for every man.

Those who disbelieve
Need not look too far
For our bodies leave
Proof in who Thou art

We've our eyes and hands
So complex from birth
There one understands
True beauty and worth

The blind and infirm
Through Thy Son could feel
All Thy love confirmed
And saw Thou art real!

When I look at hands
I am in amaze
They grasp and expand
For creative ways

I know who Thou art
I'm in Thine image
I can do my part-
And, with my hands, I'll start!

-Elder Douglas L. Callister

64–68, Jan 2008, “Our God Truly Is God, ”

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