
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Poems based on President Eyring's talks


No two people with the same circumstance.
All with moments of need for deliverance.
When these tests stretch us, we cry out more-
All our pain and sorrow Christ atoned for.
He has gazed upon our face where there's grief.
He offers a special gift for relief.

To invite the Holy Ghost we must do.
We've best intentions, we must follow through.
When we face struggles of opposition
The Holy Ghost help us make decisions.
Our deliverance requires repentance.
With humility, we stand the best chance.

We humbly struggle to be free of sin.
With the lord's help- it's a battle we'll win.
We can feel hope for the day of judgment.
We'll see His face with the joy we were meant.
For now we can serve, in His name, with love.
And come to discern God's will from above.

-President Henry B. Erying

O Remember, Remember

If we write down just a few things that happen each new day,
We'll see the hand of God reaching to our fam'lies today.
Although we don't remember God and His Beloved Son.
If we seek Him, God will show us the things which He has done.
The Holy Ghost can bring light through a veil of dark blindness.
A journal shows a path to God. We'll recognize kindness.
O remember, please remember how you have been so blessed.
And establish, writing habits and of His hand confess.

When we're faithful God protects us and helps us to prosper.
Then is the time that we harden and think God's laws hamper.
It's easy to forget blessings, and thus we should give heed.
For what's inside our hearts can change the blessings eyes have seen.
So, too, the grind of poverty and distress darkens hope.
Then it's hard for the Holy Ghost to prompt what helps us cope.
O remember, please remember how you have been so blessed.
And establish, writing habits and of His hand confess.

There is a cure and a pattern in the sacrament prayers.
We promise God and our natures change as we know He cares.
The Holy Ghost is His Gift that reveals things through a veil.
We'll see God's hand in our service. He strengthens what is frail..
Our warm feelings can stir others so they will remember.
When we've Christ's name that's upon us, there's mercy that's tender.
The atonement helps us live lives that lead us toward God.
And we have help to remember the paths He helps us trod.

-President Henry B. Eyring

Feeding the Lambs

In Galilee, our resurrected Lord,
With a prepared meal, waited in the dawn.
As the disciples drew near to the shore,
He called out where to cast their nets upon.

And, when their nets more than filled, how they rushed.
It was their Lord who stood there with a meal!
He taught them how to feed, love is a must.
When lambs are nourished, God then warms and fills.

Each Latter-Day Saint is numbered.
To those yet tender, we covenant to teach.
They must know that of God they're remembered.
We've been blessed, we've capacity to reach.

As new lambs enter baptismal waters,
Our Lord prepares a meal for us and waits.
When we're nourished we've words from the Father.
And, thus we strengthen those in need of faith.

We can and must nourish with all our hearts.
To show our gratitude for the Lord's meal.
For unto all, He grants- His love imparts.
As we show we care, tender lambs are filled.

And, when the storms beat down at the last day.
We'll not be harrowed up by the whirlwinds.
The Shepherd's flock can gather in their place.
Where the power of heaven pours and descends. (Alma 26:5–7).

- President Henry B. Eyring

I Invite You to Come Unto Christ

I invite you to come unto Christ,
Though mere words cannot suffice.
May I, of His life expound?
That He, in your heart may be found?

During Our Lord's ministry,
Precious few came to know Him,
Though all He did made history.
Though He offered pure love to them.

He's our bright miracle
And our plan for happiness.
His arms extend to encircle,
With joy and love. He's Holiness.

There is no other name that saves.
He gives assurance to us.
There's no better path than he paves.
He teaches of faith, hope and trust.

It warms my heart to speak of Him
And of all He's done for me.
Through times of sorrow and of sin,
His love's been there enveloping.

His life's example paves the way.
I will strive to be like Him.
I'll keep my covenants and obey
What I promised at baptism.

May you find faith to do His will,
As the Spirit manifests.
Know that His promise does fulfill.
May you feel joy within your breast.

This Day

Each day Thou gives us is as a fine treasure,
For me and my house to serve with great pleasure.
I've sought Thee early to find and to know Thee.
Bless this wise servant for what brings cleansing.

We have been given probation to improve.
While we have bodies that we control and can move,
We can know which tasks we do matter the most.
Bless me with promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Prayerful reading can set our course each new day.
When we submit, we act without a delay.
Will my garments be white to go no more out?
Help me to know how I can show Thee I'm devout.

We are here to prepare for eternal life.
We rejoiced to prove we're faithful though there's strife.
We can show we will do all the Lord does ask.
Help me to choose against temptations strong grasp.

We needed someone with grace and God's favor.
Who could perform with love as beloved Savior?
We chose Jesus Christ to come qualify us.
Help me not procrastinate, while there's justice.

Although we may struggle with complacency,
We have been placed purposely since infancy.
Though we're seasoned we have not yet done our part.
Help me show endurance with a steadfast heart.

Though I'm discouraged with my circumstance,
I will carry burdens with more confidence.
Each day as thy servant I'll follow through.
Bless me to know what I can here and now do.

I know Jesus suffered my infirmities.
He prayed for all men despite His agonies.
He forgave His enemies and their lies.
Help me to forgive and build eternal ties.

Help me be thankful that I am yet alive.
And to recognize that with Thee I do strive.
As a small payment for debt from Christ's purchase,
Help me share His charity through kind service.

Of those who petition Thy aid, help me see.
Bless me to hear Thy voice and know their need.
Remind me to pray to Thee both night and day.
Help me know my Savior, in His name I pray.

Safety in Counsel

A new prophet was put in today
We stood with raised hand for the record
In an orderly and patterned way
We sustained our new prophet adored

From the prophet's mouth the Lord calls us
With words of judgment and of mercy
He would to lead us to life's riches
Where there's glory and honor to see

The Savior offers us protection
He would that we accept His warnings
And ponder them with introspection
For if we don't there will be mournings

As a hen gathereth her chickens
To protect them from what would devour
The counsel of the prophet thickens
As his warnings to safety empower

In the fall of 1838
The tensions ran high in Missouri
The Prophet Joseph Smith told the Saints
To seek protection from men's fury

In Far West refugees would be received
But, Brother Haun did not deliver
And his small settlement did not leave
Thus, at Haun's Mill there was massacre

For the first time in church history
The Prophet could not keep the Saints safe
They were in harms way for misery
T'was because of just one man's lack of faith

In our own time we've been warned from sin
And where to find safety from sorrow
When warnings are repeated often
Watch and be ready for the morrow

The law of witnesses has been cast
When Prophets words seem repetitive
As one Prophet quotes a Prophet past
Our attention should be riveted

May our hearts be filled with gratitude
While we look to the path of safety
And, may we not look for latitude
Where e'er the prophets speaks may faith be

We're squaring with what we want to do
If we think his words are just advice
We may slacken and not follow through
But, we'll soon see God's counsel is wise

Some may consider God's word faulty
That there might be another motive
They mock and deride, proclaiming falsely
When what they should be thinking is "what if?"

In the Book of Mormon- Korihor
Taught that church leaders sought for bondage
That they might glut on members labors
As they take away rights and privilege

This man argued for independence
Which misrepresents reality
For he sought power to influence
With his own rules for legality

To choose to take prophetic counsel
Changes the very ground where we stand
As the waters gather up and pool
Those obedient find safety at hand

The more they heard, the more they scoffed
The best time to have helped Noah soon passed
Perhaps on the ark they'd be aloft
If they'd listened the first time he asked

Oft times when one chooses to delay
The first thing that's forgotten is prayer
Confirmation takes us from harms way
And places us safely into God's care

In an early account of Lehi's
He was warned that his family must leave
Those who pray can know where safety lies
If they but ask, then they will receive

To some are given the priesthood keys
With them the Lord makes stakes a safe place
They each bear responsibilities
To warn the Saints of what they must face

We then possess capability
To listen, give heed and then to act
With fervent prayer there's ability
Then with a lifeline, we'll stay intact

Those with ears have the faith to obey
As they learn to avoid grave danger
They learn to face fear and not dismay
For revelation's not a stranger

Just like Thomas B. Marshal's accounts fooled
In our day, some elect are deceived
For they feel "they know best" when counseled
And self-exalt in their own belief

God offers counsel and it's for all
We're as an instrument in his hands
When we hear warnings- we'll sound His call
"Pray", we'll advise, "Then one understands"

Though sweet to lead someone to safety
Sometimes the counsel is hard to do
This Reddick Allred found it to be
As a storm made it life threatening too

He with supplies waited through the storm
Lest the Martin company should die
While snow blizzard's entombment did form
He refused to budge, though some said good-bye

As weeks had passed they said to give up
They took their supplies, they had lost faith
They turned back more wagons come to help
But, Allred strongly felt he should wait

One day, as he watched his frozen breath
The destitute company arrived
Dozens had suffered and froze to death
Because of this man the rest survived

Sometimes we don't understand counsel
Or think it does not apply to us
Let's think of it as a sand sample
When we shake it the gold flakes show thus

The Lord's priesthood keys are on the earth
We are so blessed to know where to look
To find the things that are of the most worth
It just depends on the way faith's shook

Safety in Counsel
President Henry B. Eyring
Liahona, June 2008 pg 2-7

Matt. 23: 37
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! I turned a page by accident and turned from writing a poem from another talk. the first stanza is from one of the conference talks. perhaps you recognize it?...Ronald A. Rasband

Walk In the Light

We were all taught by Elohim,
He, the Father of our spirits
And we wanted to be like Him
To prove we're faithful, and fully His.

We've unique characteristics
He designed our earth life with love
And o'ersaw all the logistics
What can we experience enough of?

With a body of cravings that grow
We would be subject to illness.
Pain, suff'ring and death we would know
On our journey t'wards Father's fullness

We progressed as much as we could
And Lucifer rebelled the plan
He thought better of what we should
He'd forgo a body, rather than

Cast out with a third of the hosts
They spend all their time to deceive
Of their power to tempt, they do boast
Wanting to prevent what we'd receive

As part of Father's grand design
We'd need help to learn to behave
He lit up all the earth with a sign
A light for our conscience that would save

This Light had come from our Savior
Who never strayed from all that's right
He would condescend, though He's pure
And teach us how to walk in the light

As part of the plan, He must die
After suff'ring for all our sins
After all temptations were denied
He'd help us return, as He ransoms

We came as a babe that was mild
Our prior existence was veiled
So that we could learn as a child
All that we prepared for and detailed

Now, our lives are not perfect
We make mistakes, and often sin
But, tools are in place to protect
Though, for some, from God's laws they harden

As we learn to sense what is right
We become privileged to find more
Those with the Holy Ghost gain insight
And can be a light like the Savior

From our joy, we'll share the lights warmth
As it illuminates our path
Where for everyone there is roomth
Hoping to see what the Father hath.

You make choices every day
That will keep you walking in the light

And show new faith, when there is dim sight.
For, if not you are moving away.

May you watch, may you pray
May you help others to walk in the light,

May they see you've a countenance bright.
Glowing with warmth to brighten the way

The True and Living Church

The true and living church-
Is clearly not obscur
With brilliance sure and dauntless
It's light spreads out of darkness

The Lord looks upon us
And all that is within
We must repent ever thus
Or His light in us grows dim

The keys of the priesthood
Will ever lodge on earth
To heaven it seals what's good
May we more realize our worth

To show our obedience
We do what is better
With God there's no allowance
To His laws we must measure

In our hearts we do search
For each way that sustains
As servants of the church
We'll heed those God ordains

We've an invitation
To aid those discouraged
Through our dedication
Those lost are encouraged

Let's range across the land
And give to those in need
Let's extend loving hands
And more spiritually feed

And God above who sees
Will shed forth glorious light
For honoring His keys
And for doing what's right

President Henry B. Eyring
Ensign May 2008, 8
obscure implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge
dauntless adjective: invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Picture of Nauvoo temple under construction

Like the Change of a Light

Like the change of a light
Our children leave us behind
And though they are out of sight
They are never out of mind

We are left with memories
And, also butterflies
We hunger for their stories
And worry over cries

But, if they have heard us pray
And we have born a witness
Even though they're far away
They know of God's kindness

May they write upon their hearts
What e'er the Spirit whispers
For there God's will imparts
Great comfort as it stirs

May their soul hunger
And cry out loud oft
May they know what's tender
That their hearts remain soft

We feel this urgency
Because families link
Forever we're meant to be
And, danger's always on the brink

And if there be a tragedy
The worst would be from sin
But, in the dust of humility
May a conscience prick within

May a search for mercy call them back
With a desire for cleansing
May they return on the right track
As though loving arms they are sensing

President Henry B. Eyring
Write Upon My Heart
Ensign, November 2000, 85

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