By the gift and power of the Holy Ghost,
We can know and cherish testimony's post.
Once received and carried within it enables us.
When we've doubts, the Holy Ghost's the source we trust.
It gives personal revelation of our role,
A deep and lasting impression on our soul.
It lights our way as it directs our conduct.
As an attentive host, it is there to instruct.
Our testimony's true north on a compass.
All aspects of our life, it can encompass.
It is our shield to quench all the fiery darts.
As we obey, there's peace and joys it imparts.
As it speaks understanding into our hearts.
Our testimonies are measured by faith.
Faith is testimony, Testimony's faith.
When it's strong we help others seek for truth.
Humbly, they can pray, as Joseph in his youth.
We can know where we came from, where we're going.
When we've testimonies, knowledge is flowing.
A light will arrize to our understanding. (Lorenzo Snow)
We won't let it extinguish, though life's demanding.
We give our testimony through our service.
This is our duty, this is our purpose.
Our testimony comes with adhesiveness.
As we grow in faith and show our willingness.
We will have fruits of faith, and we'll have happiness.
- Elder Hales
We have axioms to guide our lives,
To drive agency and to make us wise.
When there's debris that is in our way.
Do we plow ahead or do we pray?
We know Heavenly Father assists us,
As we show trust, it was ever thus.
The light of faith helps us move forward,
With eyes on Christ, whom we lean toward.
Christ said, “I would thou wert cold or hot.”
I'll show gratitude that for us He fought.
I will move with determination.
I'll be like Jesus when there is friction.
A sparks can cause a large fire.
Yet, my loyalty will not tire.
I'll see the good and not criticize.
I'll see enemies through Christ-like eyes.
Do I rely on the natural man?
God is my strength, I'll confess His hand.
I will ponder and learn from mistakes.
I will improve, do whatever it takes.
I have entered to finish the race.
I'll keep covenants for victories embrace.
I will look ahead, take the long view.
I will be patient, in all that I do.
We have agency to use for good.
I regret when I don't pray as I should.
We can study and know what is right.
Then we'll not regret what's in hind sight.
The world is moving farther away.
I'll be a light on the hill, today,
For some come through great darkness to see,
As the distance increases to be.
This earth time's our university.
We've temporal gains under gravity.
Do my long lost friends remember me?
Of my morals, just what did they see?
Did they see in me what I believe?
Have I learned, before this earth I leave,
Temple’s eternal curriculum?
This earth teaches from a pendulum!
The Light and Life is Without End
The Light and Life is without end
And the night is now far spent
The day's at hand of our Lord
As His marvelous light shines forth
In Bethlehem, a light was shown
And a promise was fulfilled
It did not end when Christ did groan
Nor will it ever be stilled
The restoration has begun
That His Glory might be seen
Fair as the moon, clear as the sun
Out bursts forth marvelous light beams
Unto all the ends of the earth
The good shepherd tends His sheep
In their own tongue He is heard
As they awake from a deep sleep
Let us cast off works of darkness
And each become a disciple
Armoured to endure hardness
We shine the light of the gospel
Romans 13:11-12
11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
The Darkness Dispells
The darkness dispells
There is beauty that's bright
And all else soon pales
To the beautiful sight
Glorious and risen
Stands our God and His Son
The world now glistens
In this dispensation
When we do what's wrong
The day turns into night
But it won't stay long
If we do what is right
We've the Light of Life
We've the Light of Life
From our Brother, Jesus
He knows of our strife
And He is there for us
Those who've been baptized
Have a gift that's a shield
Satan's tricks can't hide
Amongst a brightened field
Evil can't conquer
If we choose what yields light
We've light from our Brother
To see light through the night
We've a Light That is Strong
We have holy light that is strong
To steer us from Babylon
If we use our heart, might, mind and strength
Though dimness surrounds, we've light at length
There are some who live in the dark mists
And are missing true happiness
Those blind, who have been led away
Will say they knew not till that day
After death there is a bright light
Of what's beyond some have had sight
There is brightness to prepare for
After we die- we know there is more
We Cannot Save the Air We Breathe-
So Too, We Can't Save Light
We cannot save the air we breathe
From the world we can't be sheathed
So too, we can't save light
And, daily we must face the night
Without faith, we stumble along
And do things that are wrong
The adversary will come in
And we'll stagger as though drunk in sin
Evil is never far away
It would that we're in darkness all day
It lurks round the corner
And, we're often found the mourner
The light of the spirit can fade
If we don't stay engaged
Alone, the strength we lack
For darkness must be pushed back
A generator on a bike
Through effort can light the night
As too, the gospel is applied
God's holy spirit is supplied
As the Holy Ghost is received
It helps us to not be deceived
The more we search, ponder, and pray
We'll become bright for that perfect day
Brought Forth Out of Darkness
Brought forth out of darkness
Into His marvelous light
As each man does discern
How to do more of what's right
The Lord's temple stands tall
In the top of the mountains
With light it beacons all
To flow in from the nations
Out of obscurity
We see brightly lit spires
Which proclaim purity
As to all it inspires
There's a light in our eyes
And a warmth in our hands
In the gospel there lies
Love, the soul understands
As it lights fires within
We come to recognize the source
As we journey from sin
We're on a beautiful course
We've each the Light of Christ
That we've brought with us to earth
To do good, it invites
Unto a light of great worth
Given to burn within us-
The Gift of the Holy Ghost-
Testifies of Jesus
When we're baptized, it's bestowed
As part of the Godhead
This spirit of personage
Guides us, spiritually led
T'wards the day when we're judged
Elder Robert D. Hales
"Out of Darkness into
His Marvelous Light"
Ensign, May 2002
Isaiah 2:2
2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
D&C 1:30
30 And also those to whom these commandments were given, might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually—
Micah 4: 1
1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
I Know What I Feel
I know what I feel
I’ve a light inside me
And I know that it’s real
For it helps me to see
Where did it come from?
Can I keep it also?
The Holy Ghost’s won
When we seek what to know
When I’m baptized new
And doing as I should
It is received through
The holy priesthood
I've this extra light
To warn me of sin
My guide that's bright
Warms me from within
What of my loved ones?
Can they search for this too?
A warm feeling comes
When I ask what to do
Gaining a Testimony of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost
I ponder continually
Of God and His Son
I've a testimony
How the two are one
People o'er all the world
Do struggle to know
Who is our Savior and Lord?
And does knowledge still flow?
Oft the Exemplar sent prayers
To Heavenly Father
And the scriptures declare
Of their love to each other
Tender obedience
And glorious trust
United as one in stance
And in their love for us
The Father and Son are real
Two distinct beings
What I know I can feel
And truth- I'm receiving
If any lack wisdom
They can search in prayer
To the humble, light will come
In James 1:5 this is clear
A witness comes from heaven
To teach of the Son
And to Joseph Smith was given
This pattern for how it's done
First we must have a desire
That reaches our soul
Then alone to pray, we must retire
And obedience must be our goal
We pray in the name of
Our Savior, Jesus
As our mediator above
He has proved He loves us
If you truly believe
With all your heart
Then in surety you'll receive
And this is only the start...
What has been told to me
Can be told to you
The Holy Ghost is the key
To tell you what is true
Elder Robert D. Hales
Ensign, May 2008, 29
Gaining a Testimony of God the Father;
His Son, Jesus Christ;
and the Holy Ghost
Stance: More general:attitude, position, posture
More specific:attention, erectness, uprightness
James 1: 5
5 If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God, that giveth
to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him.
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