
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Step 11: Personal Revelation - Lindsay’s Story about Heroin Addiction Re...

I was resigned to the fact
That I was a junky
I couldn't put on an act
So, I pushed by kids from me
I lived inside my car
And did anything and everything I could
To drift high away far
Then the police..yes, this was good
For heroine is a demon
That you cannot sedate
The detox was mean then
But I had been saved from fate
Thoughts of my childhood
And songs came flooding back
Prayer, I'd not thought that I could!
In hope, I started to
Revelation came about
I wanted to do the Lord's will
Now I seek power to carry this out
As I share with Him how I feel

Prayer is now my lifeline

This is why I exist

I pray all of the time

This is how I persist

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