
Monday, February 1, 2016

Fall in Love

Fall in love with Jesus Christ
Let Him be your joy and light
Hope is there when He's your source
Let Him inspire your life's course
On your knees, voice who you are.
Let Him be your guiding Star.
Cry to Him, His arms reach long.
He knows you. His path is strong.
Tell Him how you feel alone
Know for you He did atone
Tell Him how you're tempted too
He'll comfort, each time you do!
When you're mad, and feel accused
He knows how scorners abuse
Don't give up, if you cave in
The way out, He lights, from sin!
I just read there have been so many suicides by those of an alternate sexual preference. These are fragile years when strong  peers make the difference, Still very few know what to do or say about sexuality as they are working on knowing who they are, themselves.

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