
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dr Ben Carson | Creation Vs Evolution

Our brain can process one new fact every second perhaps for all eternity before we overload its capacity! Why?  Perhaps because we are in the image of God.

Creation in all its perfection
Inspires faith and much thought
What makes sense for life's explanation?
Within and without this must be sought

The fact that man with his unique brain
Are creators that manifest love
At its roots is a way to explain
We are of our Father above

Dr. Carson has plans to write
Organ of Species, A Refute to Evolution.
I love this comment on creation found at

Michael Banton
I think the Dr is near the mark. In trying to keep it simple with my friends, I would just say that at no time in history is there any evidence of the building of an altar to God by a monkey or any of the other animal's God created. Nor do you see them expressing an awareness to explain their existence. Yet from all the people groups we see an acknowledgment of our existence and a spiritual characteristic that belongs to man alone. Blaise Pascal summed it up when he said " In every Human being there is a spiritual vacuum which can only be filled by God". We are made In God's image. He has given mankind an inbuilt spiritual nature and as such we are accountable to him to know good and an evil and the moral concepts which he governs his universe by. The fallen man is always looking backwards in history to disprove God, particularly the account of creation and the flood event but God is moving on with His timetable and we are now in the unique time of history the prophets spoke about and in particular the time period revealed to Daniel concerning his fellow kinsman i.e the Jews, for the purposes of God in bringing man to accountability involving the Ist and 2nd coming of Jesus. The missing week of years still to be accomplished regarding Israel and Christs return to confront the nations at his return is fully on the cards in our lifetime. Israel is always at the centre of man's grievances and the governments are arming themselves for a final showdown.We've had two world wars which have disenfranchised the nations and man's attempt to bring about peace and order through a man-made institution called The United Nations. The Gospel, the good news that God loves us and has opened the door inviting us to be reconciled to him through Christs redemptive work at his Ist coming is largely rejected. Yet man wants peace and love without God in their lives,the bible says to their own peril. I haven't mentioned about the created angel Lucifer, now called Satan due to his fall from office because of pride and his attempt to usurp God's rule in the universe and on Earth, and his activities down throughout history in trying to draw people away from God with his lies and dragging people to Hell which his destiny. CS lewis in his book The Screwtape Letters gives a wonderful if not humorous yet serious sight into what is going on. Anyway enough said. We all know the Gospels message through evangelism. Like the devil, it is only pride that keeps people from knowing the Savior of mankind, and God hates pride.

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