
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Your Next Step

Humility goes a long way
Be open to finding the love of your heart
Appreciate life. Keep your faith.
And, allow God to line things up to start.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We Are Not Alone

We are not alone
Nor will we ever be
The Lord does atone
Man through eternity

Monday, October 26, 2015

Have You Ever

Have you ever felt a prompting
That you were needed somewhere?
Inside you, was something nagging?
Did you confirm it with prayer?

The Conversion of Parley P Pratt

Hear My Cry

Hear my cry for mercy
As I petition for help.
Fear, it drive me crazy.
I can't do this by myself!

Speak peace unto my soul.
Thou art my strength and shield
I need Thee ever so
For confidence, instilled!

Be not silent from me.
Keep wicked hands afar.
I await Thy coming.
My salvation, Thou are!

I love this beautiful prayer by David, in Psalm 28!

Psalm 28

David pleads with the Lord to hear his voice and grant his petitions—David prays, Save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance.
A Psalm of David.

1 Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be asilent to me, I become like them that go down into the bpit.

2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy aoracle.

3 Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which aspeak bpeace to their neighbours, but cmischief is in their hearts.

4 Give them according to their adeeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their bdesert.

5 Because they regard not the aworks of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up.

6 Blessed be the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications.

7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart atrusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

8 The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed.

9 Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Opportunities Await!

A view of the stars in the night sky paired with the words from 2 Nephi 9:13.

Opportunities await
No matter who you are
There's no expiration date
Have faith and you'll go far

“O how great the plan of our God!”—2 Nephi 9:13

Improve Brain Function

Improve your brain function
To increase production
When you feel under stress
Yawn and daydream how you're blessed

When interruptions near
Stop, don't think it the worst
Ring a bell, let your mind clear
Relax to get back to work.

You can download a mindfulness bell and set it to go off several times an hour.


To what is not right
Apply awareness
Keep in search of light
For solutions to harness

Not all is as it seems
Let your brain work for you
Flip your doubts into dreams
Your faith will assist, too

Words are Powerful Things

thoughts from a paragraph by
Mark Robert Waldman

As a neuroscience researcher, I'm fascinated by the power of words. An inspirational quote can make us feel better about ourselves, while a derogatory comment can depress an adult and even damage a child's brain, leading to lifelong issues with self-esteem. And if you can attribute - even falsely - a great comment to a famous individual, more people will believe it is true. Nearly 50% of all quotes reported on Facebook are made up! As Abraham Lincoln once wrote, "The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they are genuine."

The Song of Redeeming Love

An image of Christ and Mary at the tomb, combined with a quote by Elder David A. Bednar: “One of the … purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed … through the Atonement.”
The tears begin again
Confirming what I know
That Jesus is my friend
His love for me does show

The bands of death, He broke
A captive, I am no more
The chains of Hell, He loosed
Ever, peace, He can restore

As I hold to His word
He keeps me safe from sin
My prayers, through Him, are heard
He speaks to me within

Humbly, I can be His hands
And lift, those who've fallen, up
I can serve on foreign lands
That they, too, might with Him sup

I can raise my voice and sing
The song of redeeming love
His love, peace, and joy to bring
To light from Heaven, above!

Alma 5:26 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
26 And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask,  ...

Good Morning

At the glow of dawn
Rise, stretch, and yawn
And share the new day
With the Lord,  pray

Saturday, October 24, 2015

On Eagles' Wings

Stories of faith need to be told,
That in others hope might take hold.
Miracles do happen in our day,
Through the power of faith by those who pray!

Every step of the way, God is there,
As you turn yourself over to His care.
Learn to speak to Him as though He is here.
Learn to listen and feel when He's near.

I wonder how many people can say, "I've been in that plane!" Tim helped our family out in a time of need. He is that way! How magical it is to be in a plane and to travel like the angels. You get a different perspective of life...

At Your Own Pace

We each can come to know
That the church is true
At our own pace, to grow
Through the things we do
Isn't it amazing how patient Heavenly Father is in letting us come to knowledge in our own individual way. He honors free agency. It takes action on our part. Faith, desire, hope, searching, etc.  Heavenly Father will help us to keep trying. We should be like Him and allow others to come unto at their own pace.
Thoughts from Elder Rasband
Oct 2015 conference Latter Day Saints Keep Trying

Through thorough Intention

In thoroughness is satisfaction

through the Holy Ghost, potential is found

Opportunities will come, take action

We are taught as good works abound!

Elder F Enzio Busche Unleashing the Dormant Spirit
"But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you." (Alma 32:27) And in Doctrine and Covenants 6:8: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you.” In The Problem of Pain (p. 66), C. S. Lewis gave us an interesting insight about this same question when he quoted William Law: If you will here stop, and ask yourselves, why you are not as pious as the primitive Christians were, your own heart will tell you, that it is neither through ignorance nor inability, but purely because you never thoroughly intended it. [William Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (London: J. M. Dent; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1920), p. 13] Desires are working in us. All of our life’s actions are the result of our desires. When we want to honor the great gift of the Spirit, which God has given us, we have to become aware of whether we are under its influence or not. When we are not satisfied with the world of our own feelings—when we are grouchy and unhappy or we are slothful or sloppy—we must know that we are not under the influence of the Holy Spirit. People who sin are not under his influence. They have not put on the armor of God. They are not in a state of, awakening.

Creatures of Habit

Creatures of habit
On autopilot
Flow through life's traffic
Without conscious thought
Condition your mind
To be more aware
That our goals inside
Drive actions- use care!

The Spirit of Christ teaches us that we must pray, that we must ask for the things that we seek. As we read in 2 Nephi 32:8: “For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit . . . ye would know that ye must pray.” But before we can do this with focus, we have to become aware of a multitude of defined or undefined, conscious or subconscious desires. We have to learn to bring them to our awareness, to analyze them, to categorize them, and to bring them into order according to priorities.

Here are some thoughts as well...
Habits get stored in the subconscious mind.
Well, perhaps the spiritual side is there too!
Infinite intelligence (potential) awaits through
the Light of Christ to flow to and through us,
by faith, that we might achieve.

we get in the way when we "know"
For what do we really know when 70 percent of behaviors are subconscious
 and can shift and drive our perceptions of these behaviors?

If you allow the brain to choose and be in autopilot,
you will do much of the same and won't experience change.

Map your reality. It takes a belief shift to drive perceptions for behavior. Consciously choose to impress and fuel the subconscious with truth and light, to perceive the best path, for there is power in belief.

Monday, October 19, 2015


Intuition is what you know
Before words frame a thought
Through the spirit, feelings flow
And confirm you've been taught

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Create a place

For your thoughts to go

To oft embrace

The spirit in flow

Devin G. Durrant

So what does it mean to ponderize? I like to say it’s a combination of 80 percent extended pondering and 20 percent memorization.

However, I pondered time and time again the key elements of the verse and where to find it. But the best part of the process was I had a higher place for my thoughts to go. Throughout the week I pictured the Savior saying encouraging words to me. That image touched my heart and served to inspire me to want to do “works of righteousness.” That is what can happen when we “look unto [Christ] in every thought.”7
I thought a great place to start is to pick a scripture on Ponder
See also Meditation ; Think

Ponder the path of thy feet: Prov. 4:26 .
he pondereth all his goings: Prov. 5:21 .
Lord pondereth the hearts: Prov. 21:2 .
doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it: Prov. 24:12 .

Mary kept all these things, and pondered them: Luke 2:19 .

sat pondering in mine heart I was caught away: 1 Ne. 11:1 .
scriptures, and my heart pondereth them: 2 Ne. 4:15 .
why do ye ponder these things in your hearts: 2 Ne. 32:1 .
pondering upon the things which the Lord had shown: Hel. 10:2 .
ponder upon the things which I have said: 3 Ne. 17:3 .
receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts: Moro. 10:3 .

ponder upon the things which you have received: D&C 30:3 .
leave these sayings with you to ponder: D&C 88:62 .
ponder the warning in their hearts: D&C 88:71 .
I sat in my room pondering over the scriptures: D&C 138:1 .

third visit … I was again left to ponder: JS—H 1:47 .

2 Nephi 4:16 This is the one I picked!

16 Behold, my asoul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my bheart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

Let There Be No Chink in Your Bright Armor

A chink in our armor,

From a lapse in our faith

Harms us like no other

As darkness we then face

Turn to our Savior, from death
And our Redeemer, from sin.
He is our Advocate, what debt!
His light strengthens us within!

He is “the light which shineth in darkness.”

Here is my outline notes from President Monson's October 2015, "The Center of Our Lives"
Sermon on the Mount: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”1 
How will they see it?
“Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”2
Be an example in:
1. in word and conversation, lift and inspire
          love and respect,
          clean language
          that doesn't wound or offend
          with tolerance and kindness
          Why? Your mind will be enlightened.
2. charity, “the pure love of Christ.”:
          brighten the lonely
          lift the discouraged
          bring hope to the hopeless
          strengthen to the weak
          help the sick
          assist those who can't walk
          give aid to the blind
          teach the deaf
          grieve with those who grieve
          visit those need
          Why? When you bless others, you feel love that renews.

3. spirit, have in our lives:
          and goodwill.
These qualities will provide for us a spirit which will:
          touch the lives of those around us.
          help them feel the spirit
          cause them to want to be around you
          and follow your example out of appreciation.
          Why? You will feel a joy that lifts.

4.  faith, trust in the Lord and in His word.
          possess and nourish beliefs let them
                   guide thoughts
                   and actions.
                   influence all that we do.
          scriptures and prayer anchors us for
                   clarity of thought
                   and conscience
Why? You will walk in Christ's powerful light that can dispel darkness..
Said the Lord, “Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good.”5

5.  purity: in body, mind, and spirit.
          the body is a temple, to be treated with
                   and respect.
          Our minds should be filled with
                   uplifting and ennobling thoughts and
                   kept free from those things which will pollute.
Why? Purity will bring us peace of mind and will qualify us to receive the Savior’s promises, said He, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”6

As we do so, our light will shine for others to see.
1. For all have the Light of Christ.
2. When we have His light, we light the way for others.
As we prove to be examples in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity, we will qualify to be lights to the world.
          we will stand out as bright, clean, and uplifting in how we
                   treat our bodies
                    have fun
                   do sports
 As we make Christ the center of our lives,
our fears will be replaced by the courage of our convictions.

Life is perfect for none of us, and at times the challenges and difficulties we face may become overwhelming, causing our light to dim.
Pray for help from our Heavenly Father,
Seek the light and support of others,
Regain that light which illuminates your path once again and provide the light others may need.

 yours will be the glorious blessing of returning to live with Him forever.
: “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Open My Mind

Open my mind
That it might be bright
Help me to find
What is full of light

Sometimes a prayer is a poem just for Heavenly Father.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Little Pumpkin

Little pumpkin, show your best side
And let Jesus remove your mush
Open up to be filled with His light
Share that He loves us, oh so much!

I am teaching devotional and loved this thought.  I bought a pumpkin that has a terrible side.  I will precut the top, put all the mush in a plastic bag and wire shape it into a heart. As I tell the story I will take the top off, remove the ugly heart  and put in a pretty one and a light. Any other ideas?

Ezekiel 35:25-28

25 ¶Then will I asprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your bfilthiness, and from all your cidols, will I cleanse you.

26 A anew bheart also will I cgive you, and a new dspirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony eheart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

27 And I will put my aspirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

28 And ye shall dwell in the aland that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.

Lessons From the Bible

Life's lessons are endless,
In the Bible.
They truly can guide us,
Through each trial.

It might be endless, what we can add to this post:
1. Sometimes things don't make sense at first.
2. God wants to send His special spirits to good families.
3. Safety is found in obedience.
4. It's all about the family. Honor your parents.
5.. Like that bird Noah sent out to search for a sign of life, animals are a special gift for us. They respond to love, labor for us, and can even save a life! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Don't Panic

Prepare to be the one
That when the times get tragic;
To you they know to come
To hear, "Don't Panic!"

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Rand Paul 2016 Speech at Iowa State

You have the right to privacy,
Especially in your home.
As long as you live righteously,
You have the right to be left alone.
If you have addictive habits,
They harm more than yourself.
The side effects can be tragic.
Be responsible and get help!


Get OUT!

Get out and add a little to your life
Let what you see in others inspire you
Show you care, help someone and be a light
Reach a little further in all that you do!

Repentance is a Process

Repentance is a process
Twelve precious steps for progress
As your cravings you address
While to our Lord you confess

At this site, you will find a downloadable book and videos that will assist you on your path.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Filled With His Love

Though the storm clouds gather
And the rains pour to flood
Have faith in Our Father
And be filled with His love

A Future as Bright as Your Faith

President Thomas S. Monson has reminded Church members that we can have hope and happiness in whatever circumstances we face. As he says, "Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us." 

Second Coming

Enjoy the journey
And be of good cheer
Live and be happy
The Lord's coming is near!

Imagine this time as a bride anticipating the arrival of her groom!

Monday, October 12, 2015


Alone, as a sinner,
In darkness He prayed.
He needed the Father
To get through the pain

Sunday, October 11, 2015

So You're an Atheist?

So you're an atheist, you say?
What were you before that?
Have you ever tried to pray?
Would you be willing to chat?
Have you ever had a heart to heart conversation with an atheist? They do believe in morality. that they don't need a God to know what is right or wrong.  What would you like to know about them?
Hmmm...  Here are my questions:
Where do you find peace?
Where do you get solace?
What fills you with hope?
How do you find answers?
How do you discover who you really are?
How do you release your worries?
What do you think of suicide? Death?
Have you ever been with someone dying?
How do you feel about jails? The death penalty? Justice?
Christians? Love?
When did you become an atheist?
Why is being an atheist important to you?
Here is my story of finding God.
It started with a desire. I went to church with anyone who invited me. I joined one.  But, didn't connect in some way. I never was tutored along. I worked for another for a while. Two of my sisters were married there. I never learned to pray, till one day I tried it by holding my breath and wishing with all my heart.  I felt words. It was a sacred experience! There have been many since. When you share this with others there is a spirit you feel.
  I would like to share this with you, dear atheist.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

We Need Free Agency

We need free agency
So we are free to find
Who we fully can be
Through our covenants in mind

"Our exercise of agency to keep the commandments enables us to fully understand who we are."

Pure For God

Jerusalem Seal Gives Evidence for Temple Ritual
Archaeologists surveying the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount in the area of Robinson’s Arch have found a button-sized, first-century C.E. seal inscribed in Aramaic with the phrase “pure for God.”

Now we know for sure
Every object for the temple
Must first be marked pure
And sealed for God's and His people

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Thoughts blaze about like lightning
To the mind, how they are real!
May they ever be brightening
As we find truths great to feel.

The Torch Within

An illustration of a young boy wearing a jersey, running through a red-ribbon finish line and carrying an Olympic torch.

We each carry a light 
So we'll not lose our way
To keep it burning bright
God's laws, we must obey

If we stumble or fall
Though for a time we grieve
And feel we've missed our call
This light will never leave

For, it shines of Heaven
To reignite the soul
Through birthright given
So each may find his role

Here, as we race along,
We each know in our hearts
How we can finish strong
For this light inside imparts

It brightens in truth
When dim, the heart warns
And where is light's proof?
When it's bright, love warms!

I love this truth!  How comforting it is to know that it cannot be extinguished.  What magnificence!  I thrill at thinking of this greatness that is given us!

"It’s human nature to stumble, fail, and sometimes want to drop out of the race. But as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have committed not only to begin the race but also to finish it—and finish it with our torch still burning brightly. The Savior promised His disciples, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13).
Sometimes after stumbling, failing, or even giving up, we get discouraged and believe our light has gone out and our race is lost. But I testify that the Light of Christ cannot be extinguished. It shines in the darkest night and will relight our hearts if only we incline our hearts to Him (see 1 Kings 8:58)."

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Way Out

America is a mess.  
The way out is to pray. 
Have faith the Lord will bless 
as His laws we obey.

The Gift of Grace

The gift of grace,
Was made free for all.
His love, embrace!
You're saved from the fall!

"If grace is a gift of God, why then is obedience to God’s commandments so important? Why bother with God’s commandments—or repentance, for that matter? Why not just admit we’re sinful and let God save us? Brothers and sisters, we obey the commandments of God–out of love for Him!"
—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Gift of Grace"
Topics: Commandments

According to Plan

Rarely does life go
The way that you thought;
Perhaps so you'll  know
Through faith, you are taught!

"Life rarely goes exactly according to plan for anyone…it is still important to understand and teach the Lord’s pattern."
—Bonnie L. Oscarson, "Defenders of the Family Proclamation"
Topics: Commandments

Cut Through the Pain

Cut through the pain and all the darkness
Though life gets hard, there's light to harness
Let the Holy Spirit with you be found
For safety abounds when you're on high ground

"Life may get hard, confusing, painful, and discouraging. I bear you my witness that through the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ will cut through the confusion, the pain, and the darkness. "

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

Elder Kim B. Clark

Hold On

Through best and worst
Hold on thy way
And put God first
Have faith and pray

The Lord said the following to Joseph Smith:
“Know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. ...“Therefore, hold on thy way … , for God shall be with you forever and ever” [D&C 122:7, 9; emphasis added].The trials of this earth—including illness and death—are a part of the plan of salvation and are inevitable experiences. It is necessary for us to “hold on thy way” and accept our trials with faith.However, the purpose of our lives is not merely to endure trials. Heavenly Father sent His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Redeemer so we could overcome the trials we face on this earth; in other words,

He makes our weak things become strong,

He atones for our sins and our imperfections,

and He makes it possible for us to obtain immortality and eternal life. …"  Elder Koichi Aoyagi

Eternal Truths to Hear and Heed

May we hear and heed
Words we are given
They are what we need
To get to Heaven!

Elder Bednar spoke about listening to the inspired wisdom of our seasoned leaders. After seeing our prophet hold on with tremendous effort to complete his talk with the energy it required, I might add that we should listen to these men who have endured the tests of time and have one frail foot, hand, and ear continually through the veil where they will pass through, in the Lord's time, when they have completed all they were asked to do.
… These men have had a sustained season of tutoring by the Lord, whom they represent, serve, and love. They have learned to understand the divine language of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s patterns for receiving revelation. These ordinary men have undergone a most extraordinary developmental process that has sharpened their vision, informed their insight, engendered love for people from all nations and circumstances, and affirmed the reality of the Restoration. …
“Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38).

Repentance is Real

Repentance is real
You are freed to move on
The spirit does heal
And sings redemption's song

My husband had worked with a wonderful man.  He warned him that an idea that would prove profitable was also illegal.  Time passed.  My husband graduated.  This wonderful man who was my husband's boss told him it was time to pursue his career and let him "go".  This he did so he could be free to do this illegal thing with funds he had control over.  It got the better of him.  Eventually, the scheme was discovered anyway.  A trial occurred. My husband added input. Several decades passed.  We were at the temple for two of our son's endowment.  The old boss was the assigned temple worker!  He grabbed my husband into a big hug and said, "All is forgiven!" ( Did he mean he forgave Rick?)  Now I understand.  He was saying he was completely healed, spiritually.  For someone who was indirectly harmed by him, (loss of employment) it takes a while to process. But, we are sure this all happened for a reason. To teach this principle, 

Doctrine and Covenants 64:10

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the elders of the Church, ... 7 Nevertheless, he has sinned; but verily I say unto youI, the Lordforgive sins unto those ... 10 I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgivebut of you it is required to forgive all men. ....

"What does matter is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffered “pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind” so “that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people” [Alma 7:11, 12]. … That is what really matters and what should give all of us renewed hope and a determination to try one more time, because He has not forgotten us. …"  Elder Allen D. Haynie

Give Him one more try
Believe you are not forgotten
Please do not deny
Yourself of being forgiven

From What's Absolute

From what's absolute
And found in God's holy law,
America planted roots.
The line in the sand was drawn.

American constitutionalism was rooted in the absolutes of God’s law. True law is in accord with God’s law. William Blackstone, whose Commentaries of the Laws of England (1765) was a primary resource for those studying law in America until the twentieth century, said that “no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to the law of nature [which is] dictated by God himself…[or to] the law of revelation [which is] to be found only in the holy Scriptures.”

From “Noah Webster, God’s Law, and the U.S. Constitution” by Stephen McDowell

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What Supersedes All?

Love and family
Is central to mankind
We live more happily
When we've loved ones in mind

Marriage and family-centered priorities cut across and supersede any political, economic, or religious differences. When it comes to the love of spouse and hopes, worries, and dreams for children, we are all the same.

Why Marriage and Family Matter—Everywhere in the World ...

Family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness. ... me to see how marriage and family-centered priorities cut across and superseded any political,  ...

You Can Pray to Know His Will

With an honest desire to know His will
You can pray and receive an answer.
God will speak to you with a voice that's still
Unto faith concerning the matter!

Less Complicated

Life is less "complicated"
When we do what is right
For we've not deviated
From the path filled with light

The Lord's Kingdom is Complete

The Lord's kingdom is complete
When virtue and beauty are found
Through the woman, the helpmeet
Sustaining insight does abound

A Spiritual Connection

Replace all your fears
With courage and conviction.
Here, our vision clears
Through a spiritual connection!

President Monson...I Wish I Could Have Come And Held You Up

President Monson...I Wish I Could Have Come And Held You Up

You have held us up
And lead us along
I know it's been tough
For there is much wrong
Thank you for each word
Your kind example
I felt and I heard
Pure love to sample!

Click on the above link to read some tender thoughts of appreciation for our prophet.
The weight of his mantle
became apparent today.
There's a lot to handle.
For our prophet we pray.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

War Room: Teaser Trailer

A war room is where battles are defined
And plans are drawn with strategies designed.
In this place, each threat must be covered.
As too, every fear must be conquered.
Who the enemy truly is, never forget:
Satan, the father of lies, fear, and hatred.
Rebuke him, and spend your time on your knees.
And, pray to God. He knows and hears your pleas!


War Room | Definition of war room by Merriam-Webster

room where battles are planned that is equipped with maps, computers, etc. : a room where people meet and exchange plans, ideas, information, etc., in an...