
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Creatures of Habit

Creatures of habit
On autopilot
Flow through life's traffic
Without conscious thought
Condition your mind
To be more aware
That our goals inside
Drive actions- use care!

The Spirit of Christ teaches us that we must pray, that we must ask for the things that we seek. As we read in 2 Nephi 32:8: “For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit . . . ye would know that ye must pray.” But before we can do this with focus, we have to become aware of a multitude of defined or undefined, conscious or subconscious desires. We have to learn to bring them to our awareness, to analyze them, to categorize them, and to bring them into order according to priorities.

Here are some thoughts as well...
Habits get stored in the subconscious mind.
Well, perhaps the spiritual side is there too!
Infinite intelligence (potential) awaits through
the Light of Christ to flow to and through us,
by faith, that we might achieve.

we get in the way when we "know"
For what do we really know when 70 percent of behaviors are subconscious
 and can shift and drive our perceptions of these behaviors?

If you allow the brain to choose and be in autopilot,
you will do much of the same and won't experience change.

Map your reality. It takes a belief shift to drive perceptions for behavior. Consciously choose to impress and fuel the subconscious with truth and light, to perceive the best path, for there is power in belief.

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