
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Torch Within

An illustration of a young boy wearing a jersey, running through a red-ribbon finish line and carrying an Olympic torch.

We each carry a light 
So we'll not lose our way
To keep it burning bright
God's laws, we must obey

If we stumble or fall
Though for a time we grieve
And feel we've missed our call
This light will never leave

For, it shines of Heaven
To reignite the soul
Through birthright given
So each may find his role

Here, as we race along,
We each know in our hearts
How we can finish strong
For this light inside imparts

It brightens in truth
When dim, the heart warns
And where is light's proof?
When it's bright, love warms!

I love this truth!  How comforting it is to know that it cannot be extinguished.  What magnificence!  I thrill at thinking of this greatness that is given us!

"It’s human nature to stumble, fail, and sometimes want to drop out of the race. But as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have committed not only to begin the race but also to finish it—and finish it with our torch still burning brightly. The Savior promised His disciples, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13).
Sometimes after stumbling, failing, or even giving up, we get discouraged and believe our light has gone out and our race is lost. But I testify that the Light of Christ cannot be extinguished. It shines in the darkest night and will relight our hearts if only we incline our hearts to Him (see 1 Kings 8:58)."

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