
Friday, April 10, 2015

I Love the Church Because

Photo credit: blog
Photo credit: blog
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the first thing someone learned about the church is how you love it? Please help me write a poem with this title. Maybe this could be a Family Home Evening topic? Elder Steven E. Snow spoke at our Stake Conference and he asked us to ponder how we would end the sentence: I love the Church because…
Share your answer to the question, “I love the Church because …” in our comments or on Facebook!
  1. ly says
  2. While riding my bike to work, I rode by church with this thought in my head…
    I love the church because
    It is a house of prayer,
    I feel our Father’s love,
    And renew covenants there.
  3. Ralph J Olmo says
    I love the Church because it helped us build a beautiful family;
    I love the Church because it provided a young man who needed spiritual roots with a morally mature, strong tree to which he could offer full, enduring commitment;
    I love the Church because the Holy Spirit perches in the soul and sings the tune of hope for every member of my family and for all of God’s children, and never stops at all in leading us through dark moments into the greater light;
    (borrowed a little from Emily Dickinson)
    I love the Church because it has taught me that a grateful heart is the secret to a happy life.
  4. I love the church because
    That’s where my roots run deep
    It’s where I learn of love
    Through the covenants I keep
    Ralph thanks for such beautiful words! May your family continue to grow branches towards heaven.
  5.  Yourldsblog is no more so I copied this here for memories....

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