A. Armstrong - I Dare You (Official Music Video): http://youtu.be/Oew7D72A54s
The dare is on
To become strong
To reach hard goals
That stretch our souls.
Who was it that carried me and gave me birthAllowing my entry into this beautiful earth?
Who patiently taught me when I was newly bornAnd helped rebuild my feelings when they were torn?
When I learned to walk and my shoes I first tiedWho was always watching over me, staying by my side?
When I was bad and sometimes angrily went to bedWho pointed out all the good I’d done and said?
Who set the example as I dealt with all my strifeEnabling me to deal with the challenges in this mortal life?
Who lifted me up with strength greater than their ownAnd I could always turn to whenever I was alone?
Who was that heavenly angel sent from aboveThat helped me with care and filled me with love?
I know it's someone who could endure and work harder than any otherSo unique, wonderful and one of a kind, my very special Mother.
Joshua Frost Crippen is an army combat medic working in the states at a clinic, pediatrics section. He says he is in heaven :) because the closest thing to heaven are children. This is not his only poem so check the label to see if I have posted more.
Thank you Brother Crippen and thanks to your mother for inspiring this beautiful poem.
In keeping with the Savior’s own experience, there has been a long history of rejection and a painfully high price paid by prophets and apostles, missionaries and members in every generation—all those who have tried to honor God’s call to lift the human family to “a more excellent way.”3“And what shall I more say [of them]?” the writer of the book of Hebrews asks.
“[They] who … stopped the mouths of lions,
“Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, … waxed valiant in fight, turned [armies] to flight …
“[Saw] their dead raised to life [while] others were tortured, …
“And … had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, … of bonds and imprisonment:
“They were stoned, … were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: … wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, [and] tormented;
“([They] of whom the world was not worthy:) … wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.” Hebrews 11: 32-38