
Sunday, September 29, 2013

From Out of the Ashes, a Temple

Out of the ashes
of a fiery furnace
A dream of wishes...
The Lord's temple for us!

Beyond our wisdom
He sees hidden potential
To build His kingdom
His works are providential

Never doubt for yourself
You can be much more
From our worst, there is help
That comes from the Lord

Are we not also a temple?

Go to this site for some behind the scenes info on the new Provo Temple!

From Out of the Ashes, a Temple

Heeding the Lord's Invitation

Gerrit W. Gong

Heeding the Lord's invitation
Blesses us in glorious ways
As He guides us through revelation
Restored for these the latter-days

Deepen your conversion where you station
And learn to preach the gospel well
The uncut stone rolls to reach each nation
With the good news that is ours to tell

Be not afraid, only believe
There is a path for you to take
Invite light, the darkness will leave
As you heed the Lord and partake

'Be not afraid, only believe'

Seventy shares experiences, encourages BYU-H students
Published: Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 Elder Garrit W. Gong of the Seventy and Asia Area president
"There are many ways and many reasons we feel uncertainty, doubt, or fear, or are lonely or afraid," Elder Gong said. "But each is an opportunity to grow: fear and faith do not exist at the same time, just as light and darkness do not. Believe our Lord Jesus Christ: Be not afraid, only believe."

The Prophet Joseph Smith

The Prophet Joseph Smith
Is our special witness
Of the resurrected Christ
Whom he had seen in light

As one called, he restored the gospel
Through the priesthood this was possible
And through modern day revelation
We've the Book of Mormon translation

He built temples, the veil was parted
Then, with his own blood, as a martyr
He died as a personal witness
Of the work we are left to finish
"With a Spirit-derived assurance in place, you can go forward in the Lord's work and continue deepening your relationship with your Heavenly Father while pursuing or awaiting answers. If you determine to sit still, paralyzed until every question is answered and every whisper of doubt resolved, you will never move because in this life there will always be some issue pending, things yet unexplained."
Elder Christofferson said that "Joseph Smith's prophetic calling is key to our religion." Yet even with his large contributions, he is not its foundation — Jesus Christ is the foundation, and it is His Crucifixion and Resurrection that every other element of God's plan for the salvation of His children is built upon.
Elder Christofferson shared three ways the Prophet Joseph Smith is the great latter-day revelator of Jesus Christ — his personal witness of the Savor's Resurrection, his translation and publication of the Book of Mormon and through sealing his testimony with his own blood.
"Among mortals, the Lord Jesus Christ has had no surer witness, no more committed disciple, no more loyal advocate than Joseph Smith, His prophet, seer and revelator. By his personal witness of the resurrected Savior, ... [he] has laid before the world the preeminent revelation of Jesus Christ for our time."

The Prophet Joseph the great 'latter-day revelator'

Learning from the teachings of leader guides people to Christ
Published: Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 Rexberg Idaho

Behind the Extraditions: Joseph Smith

"The Constitution is a glorious standard
Founded in the wisdom of God!"
Said Joseph Smith, though he himself slandered
As he could not get the redress he sought

"Not until the end of the Civil War would the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution begin to be extended to the states, Elder Oaks noted. "Therefore, during Joseph's life, fundamental First Amendment rights like the free exercise of religion and freedom of speech and press only restrained the federal government. During Joseph Smith's lifetime, individual states had to define and regulate such rights at the local level.""It was not surprising that when Joseph Smith ran for the U.S. presidency in 1844, one of the planks in his platform was to strengthen the federal government's ability to ensure justice and redress for all citizens and to ensure that the Constitution was applied equally to the states," he said. Controversial though his position was at the time, it ultimately became the law of the land "and a critical component in America's democracy," he added.  Dallin H. Oaks speaking in Illinois.  

Behind the Extraditions: Joseph Smith, the Man and the Prophet

Where did his genius come from? Divine revelation, Elder Oaks says
slandered   (
  • noun:   words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another
  • noun:   an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
  • verb:   charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Highlights: We Never Walk Alone

When you walk a path strewn with thorns
That's isolated and marked by struggle
Remember blessings come in many forms
And our Father is aware of your trouble

We were not placed on this earth
To walk alone, crippled in fear
Remember you are a child of worth
And our Father is always near         1 of 2 poems, see the label: we never walk alone
President Monson told the congregation that there will be times they will walk a path strewn with thorns and marked by struggle. “There may be times when you feel detached — even isolated —from the Giver of every good gift. You worry that you walk alone. Fear replaces faith.
“When you find yourself in such circumstances, I plead with you to remember prayer.”
God’s children were not placed on this earth to walk alone, said President Monson. “What an amazing source of power, of strength and of comfort is available to each of us. He who knows us better than we know ourselves, he who sees the larger picture and who knows the end from the beginning, has assured us that he will be there for us to provide help if we but ask. …
“Difficult as it may at times be, it is for us, as well, to trust our Heavenly Father to know best how and when and in what manner to provide the help we seek.”


Highlights: We Never Walk Alone

We can know of God's love for us
And  that we never walk alone.
Pray and read from His scriptures, thus;
For that is how He makes things known.

Then going forward, looking up
Tender mercy is felt as we act.
In truth, we feel the Master's touch.
As we extend faith where once we lacked.

#PresMonson   1 of 3 poems, see the label: we never walk alone 

Saints for ALL Seasons

The ever-changing seasons
Bring new beauty to each day
The skies that bring us breezes
Also cast storms down our way

Hold fast to God's counsel
To weather the storms of life
Prepare, Saints, each house well
Build up strength through Jesus Christ

In this life, each season
Helps us become who we are meant to be
Each trial, each lesson
Is to prepare us for eternity

In times of pain, sorrow, and death
May we rejoice in the beauty God placed here
And witness to our dying breath
We have reason to hope and be of good cheer


Saints for All Seasons

Our great opportunity during the ever-changing seasons of life is to hold fast to the faithful word of God, for His counsel is designed not only to help us weather the storms of life but also to guide us past them. Our Heavenly Father has given His word through His prophets—precious knowledge designed to lead us through the challenges of difficult seasons toward the unspeakable joy and brilliant light of eternal life. It is an important part of our life’s experience to develop the strength, courage, and integrity to hold fast to truth and righteousness despite the buffeting we may experience.

Pondering this message and current news. Why are there so many crazed people? I am so thankful for the beauty of the earth, that there flowers to place over graves, and brilliant skies to cause us to look up and look forward to the "unspeakable joy and brilliant light of eternal life".

Miracles Still Happen

In a world gone insane
Pray with all your might
Miracles still happen
"Save us Jesus Christ!"
“So you have to ask yourself, did a mom’s prayer make it? Did a mom’s prayer help save all the people in that McDonald’s in Fort Worth,” Glenn asked. “The number one story on TheBlaze – in a world gone insane. In a world gone insane, in a world that shows so little light, it’s good to see that good still exists. It’s good to see that miracles still happen and can be called down by the righteous. Because we need some miracles.”

Combine Knowledge and Spirit

Knowledge... spirit...
Seek The Way
Obey... be blessed...
Have faith... pray

God's Life Blood

God's life blood, at the root
Flows out to branch forth
And produce precious fruit
Purely from the Lord

Pondering The Infinite Atonement
By Tad R. Callister

( The tree of life-
the love of God-
is Jesus Christ!
And, at the root, His blood...)

A River of Love

At the gospel root
Is one profound truth
The atoning blood
Is a river of love

Pondering The Infinite Atonement
By Tad R. Callister

The Essence of Freedom

The essence of freedom
Is to know Jesus Christ
To journey in wisdom
Holding to truth and light

Pondering The Infinite Atonement
by Tad R Callister

The Atonement Stands Alone

Greater than any invention
The atonement stands alone
Bringing to man life's extension
To return to our heavenly home

Pondering The Infinite Atonement
by Tad R Callister

Perfect Your Powers of Reason

Perfect your powers of reason
Discover the how's and why's
Explore our times and seasons
And God's mysteries, sublime

In ever small ways we can measure
And mirror the life of the Lord
To more fully feel light to treasure
As we learn from His two edged sword

The doctrines of the atonement
Must be felt and internalized
To find in the most trying times
A close kinship with Jesus Christ

Pondering The Infinite Atonement by Tad R. Callister

In the Promotion of the Common Good

In the promotion of the common good
Of our beloved country
We unite religions in brotherhood
For the voice we are wanting

We defend the rights of conscience
Of  individuals and churches
To preach on moral principles
And share God's light for all who searches

“The lesson of American history is that churches and other religious bodies prosper in a nation and a social order that respects religious freedom and recognizes that civil government should never stand between the consciences and the religious practices of its citizens and Almighty God,” he said.
Speaking of the partnership Catholics and Mormons have in defending religious freedom, Cardinal George acknowledged that “sometimes our common advocacy will make one of us the target of retribution by intolerant elements” but emphasized that such actions should not deter religions from making their voices heard. “In the coming years, interreligious coalitions formed to defend the rights of conscience for individuals and religious institutions could become a vital bulwark against the tide of forces that work in our government and society to reduce religion to a purely private reality.”
Cardinal George pointed out that “society is based not on individuals but on families, on mothers and fathers with duties and obligations to their children, on children who learn how to be human, in the school of love, which is the family, which tells us we are not the center of the world individually.”
He also lauded the growing relationship between the Catholic Church and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their joint efforts, such as providing aid to the poor and needy and combating pornography.
“I’m personally grateful that after 180 years of living mostly apart from one another, Catholics and Latter-day Saints have begun to see one another as trustworthy partners in the defense of shared moral principles and in the promotion of the common good of our beloved country,” he said.
“Our churches have different histories and systems of belief and practice, although we acknowledge a common reference point in the person and the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Cardinal George is president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the first Chicago native to become archbishop of Chicago. He presides over 2.3 million Catholics in the Chicago Archdiocese.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Feel God's Glory in us Shine

We each can grow and feel
God's glory in us shine
His light within is real
Peace, within, is the sign

The Irrevocable Human Right

The Irrevocable Human Right
Of our freedom of religion
Is ingrained within every heart
Thus, to reason each decision

"Freedom of religion is not an American invention. It’s a universal value. And it’s enshrined in our Constitution and ingrained in every human heart. The freedom to profess and practice one’s faith, to believe or not to believe, or to change one’s beliefs, that is a birthright of every human being. And that’s what we believe. These rights are rightly recognized under international law." U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, May 20, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dig Deep in the Atonement

Dig deep in the atonement
Open your heart to Christ
Discover what He meant
When He says, "Thou art mine!"

Dig deep in the atonement
Repent and forsake
Partake of His sweet emblems
In Him re-awake

Isaiah 43:1
But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.

May Your Soul Find Strength in Christ

May your soul find strength in Christ
To bear what is recquired
May you endure well, what tries
As one who is inspired

Like a Key- Pondering

Like a key
Opens doors
Unto more

Death at the Appointed Time

At the appointed time
We are each called home
To a state of peace to find
Through Jesus, our hope

Pay Your Tithing

mormon tithing

Pay your tithing
In exactness and honor
It's a blessing
We receive from our Father

The Savior Stands Alone

For now and throughout eternity
In reverential tones
We experience in solemnity
The atonement stands alone

A solitary act
Offers us new life
In death, we are not trapped!
We have Jesus Christ!

Pondering The Infinite Atonement
by Tad R. Callister

Measuring Your Heart

How much you are found
In another's heart
Is the measure of
Kindness you impart

Love the People

Love all people
And learn from them
It's that simple
Help hearts open

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

We are NOT Spiritual Orphans

We are not spiritual orphans
Nor will we ever be
God has for us eternal plans
We are His family!

Think of it, brothers and sisters—we are not spiritual orphans! We are not alone.
What are the advantages of having parents—of not being an orphan? We can learn from them, benefit from their experience, avoid pitfalls they warn us about, and understand better because of their perspective. We don’t have to be lost, confused, deceived, or less effective. This is especially true in the case of our Heavenly Father, who has taught us and shown us not just a way but the way.

The Lord’s Way

Of the Seventy

Illuminate the way

Illuminate the way
Out of darkness.
Read God's Word and pray
His light, harness!

The hope of light
Comes through life's door
Holy and bright
It is the Lord!

But even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, God promises the hope of His light—He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness.

The Hope of God’s Light

A Piece of Heaven's Light

Home is a piece
Of Heaven's light.
Where love's in place,
It's warm and bright!

Marriage is a Gift

Marriage is a gift
Given from above
From it do not drift
Give it all your love

If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. You shield it and protect it. You never abuse it. You don’t expose it to the elements. You don’t make it common or ordinary. If it ever becomes tarnished, you lovingly polish it until it gleams like new. It becomes special because you have made it so, and it grows more beautiful and precious as time goes by.
Eternal marriage is just like that. We need to treat it just that way. I pray that we may see it for the priceless gift that it is, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Eternal Marriage

Of the First Quorum of the Seventy

The Connection

The sweet family nears
The electronics are off
They circle on knees
And a blessing is sought

The moment is grand
A choice prayer is said
One by one they stand
Prepared now for bed

    Disconnect to Connect” aims to disconnect from all technology in an effort to bring into line a meaningful hour or hours alongside yourself, your friends, ...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Pleasing Word of God

The Word of God
Ever does please
As we hold on
In times as these:
Turmoil... fear...
darkness... temptation...
That light appear
And truth station

  •; Scriptures; Study Helps; Index to the Triple Combination; Word of God/Wordof the Lord; Previous; Next; ... pleasing word of God heals wounded soul: Jacob 2:8. And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing aword of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul.

    Conference is coming...I am ready for the pleasing word of God!

The Temple is a Place of Peace

The temple is a place of peace
Where we can go and rest
From the world and its fast pace
And see how we are blessed

Sometimes we need to slow down and go to the temple where we feel peace and can become more in tune with the whispering of the Holy Ghost.

The Savior's Promise of Peace

The Savior's promise of peace
Settles on you while in prayer
Then, you know He hears your pleas
And that tenderly He cares

Every Teardrop

Every teardrop that is shed
Is felt by our God above
May more tender words be said
That tears be of joy instead

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stand up in Defense of the Book of Mormon

Stand up in defense
Of the Book of Mormon
And testify, hence
It is God's word for man

In Entirety

In entirety, I have come
To receive light from the Son
To have my bosom be made warm
And be cleansed of sin and harm


In all you think, do, and say
Give God thanks along the way
For life, good friends, and nature too
Offer up words of gratitude

It feels so good to go outside and visit. Hurrah, summer is coming to an end in Las Vegas!

Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013) Official Trailer (HD) Idris Elba, N...

On the long walk to freedom
Move forward, looking up
Learn how to seek for wisdom
Overcome what is tough

Let your own light shine
Even as children do
Believe, give it time
You are unique, be you
“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of GodYour playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa, from 1994 Inaugural Address

Friday, September 20, 2013

Trial of Adversity - Video Contest Winner

The Lord sees ability
In the disability
He makes the weak things strong
And carries us along

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

Be rich
Toward God
Seek this:
Gospel sod

Venture Forth

Venture forth
And seek for light
Thoughts will form
To what is right

It seems that just putting your mind in a good frame of mind leads to great things...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

An Angel of the Lord

An angel of the Lord
May visit at your death,
Send you through a bright door,
and help you recollect...

Some day we will all be brought "home" to our God to be judged.  Both body and spirit will be reunited for perfect recollection of our guilt.  The Savior will have atoned for that which we have repented of and it will be remembered "no more"....
A common occurrence in near death experiences is to have your whole life flash before you.

What You have Done is Done

What you have done is done
Repent and move on
The atonement was won
Sing redemption's song!

The Master Healer waits
To cleanse you of sin
He rejuvenates!
Through Christ you can win!
  • verb:   return to life; get or give new life or energy

It's in the Eyes

It's in the eyes
That beauty shows
For in there lies
Spirit that glows

Have you ever looked at someone and seen that twinkle of happiness?

Either You are or You Aren't

Either you are
Or you aren't
Be a bright star

someone who glows or emits light...

Time is Valuable!

Time is valuable
Like a bank account
Deposits payable
In any amount

Deposit deeds
Grand memories to share
Plant golden seeds
That  richly show you care

Someone said, "Time is valuable!"  and I wrote it down.

The Silent Lesson of Adversity

In the throws of adversity
A silent lesson hides
Through mercy, grace, and charity
Our God, with us, abides

No man is an island. We need each other and God!

The "Patient of the Week"

I was the "patient of the week"-
A puzzle that perplexed
That I would survive, appeared bleak
Then my records were rechecked...

A blessing changed my outcome
It was remarkable
A great miracle did come
And... now I'm well and able!

Did you know doctors post their patient of the week and seek for the opinion of others?  Sometimes you need a higher authority for healing, to let go, and turn things over to someone who knows best...

See If There is More

Churches unite
And share your light
See if there is more
To learn of the Lord!

Isn't it wonderful to learn what others believe?  It strengthens my testimony and I want to help others build on what they know. 

This Busy Week

This busy week
Thrown at us
Leaves me weak
Still, I trust

Sometimes a week just flies like it has been thrown at us at great speed!  Still, we can trust there is a plan in all the chaos and struggle to endure and overcome...

He Loves Us and Never Gives Up

He loves us as a friend,
A parent, and a spouse
His feelings do not end
He seeks to bless each house

The Savior knows and loves us with the deepest love of one who perfectly KNOWS and never gives up on us.

The Gift of Fasting

The gift of fasting
Is everlasting
It nourishes the soul
And miracles unfold

What do you think is the gift of fasting?  Turning our minds to thing of importance and putting off the "natural man" for the things of the spirit!  It is great to step back from the world and have the spirit nourished and taught.

Sometimes I write because a title comes to me...

I'm Still Kicking and Breathing

I'm still kicking and breathing
And stirring up news
For in truth I keep seeking
To warm and enthuse

I suspect I will live a long time just for the sake of finally finding what is in me that wants to come out. I write and write and write...

I was visiting my son's ward and there was a man who had be in the hospital.  He made it to church to report he was still kicking and breathing and that his testimony was still growing.

The Power of Promise

Knowing who I am:
A child of worth
Lifts high my soul and
I thrill to work

What motivates you to work hard?  Life's journey is long and many depend on us! When I joined the church, I was so excited to get my patriarchal blessing.  I wanted to know who I REALLY Am!  There is power in promise- and things unique for me TO DO for my family and the church.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Work's Hastening

Transformed on a mission
Through much chastening
I have a clearer vision
The Work is hastening

These are the thoughts of a missionary speaker...

I Blew Plan A

I blew Plan A
But life goes on
I say each day
Through Christ, I am strong

The Spirit of Giving

Capture close to your heart
The spirit of giving
Change the world. Do your part.
Start with where you are living

At the Appointed Hour

At the appointed hour
The Savoir stood alone
In majestic power
He suffered to atone

The Treasures of Heaven- Truth and Light

The treasures of heaven
Have been shared with man
The priceless gifts given
Help our lives expand

Hearts deepen in love
Minds come unto light
As souls rise above
Temptations they fight

The purifying passion
Of the atonement
Does to minds and hearts fasten
His truth and light sent

Before We Ever Did

He felt life's burden
Before we ever did
Every pain hurt Him
From man He never hid

Knowledge is a Gift

Knowledge is a gift
You must act upon
Let not your mind drift
Keep your focus strong

Speak to Reach

Apply faith
As you teach
Light can fade
So speak to reach

Monday, September 16, 2013

Use Your Knowledge Wisely

Use your knowledge wisely
To serve your fellow man
Spread your best fruits widely
Being grateful that YOU CAN!

Improve Your Frame of Mind

Improve your frame of mind
With grace, beauty, and light
What is praiseworthy, find
And share of your insight

We are On Our Way

We are on our way
to the promised land
That place for our day
Where in truth we stand

Spread Your Wings and Fly

Like the ugly duckling
Spread your wings and fly
You were called for something
Heaven only knows just why

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Organize in All Things

This is your life to delight in
With self-reliance- your part
Pack things up, prepare, begin
Then, carry a prayer in your heart

The Greeter

mormon welcome

The greeter
Sets the tone
With "welcome"
You are known!

New Calling!

Maybe this new calling
Is to help someone else
This mantle for falling....
Parts the seas that now swell
Elijah, in company with Elisha (Eliseus), approaches the Jordan. He rolls up his mantle and strikes the water (2 Kings 2:8). The water immediately divides and Elijah and Elisha cross on dry land. Suddenly, a chariot of fire and horses of fire appear and Elijah is lifted up in a whirlwind. As Elijah is lifted up, his mantle falls to the ground and Elisha picks it up.

Faith and Good Works

Repent, have faith
And better yourself!
Salvation waits
And your good works help

A man came to the water
To cross to His Father
There were 2 rocks placed to help
For he could not swim the swell

On the first rock there was an "f"
For faith in Christ, and thus he leapt
On the second there was an "w"
For works that he must humbly do

Now there he stands on solid ground
With one foot on each rock he's found
He holds to a rod lest he fall
And makes covenants to do his all...

Suddenly, unknown to him
His journey came to an end
He was received into light
And saw Jesus on the right...

The Author of the Perfect Plan

The author of the perfect plan
Has made salvation possible
Our Savior suffered for all man
And passed each hellish obstacle

Saturday, September 14, 2013

October 2012 World Report: Christus Statue Re-created for Rome Italy Tem...

In Italy's eternal city
The Lord and His apostles will stand
Before the souls who come visiting
That all may see what's in Peter's hand


He descended below us all
In Gethsemane then in prison
This, to redeem us from the fall
Enduring to fulfill His mission

Will we ever understand all the ways He suffered for us?

Psalm 88
Lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee:
 Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;
 For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.
 I am counted with them that go down into the apit: I am as a man that hath no strength:
 Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou arememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.
 Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.
 Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves. Selah.

Moore, Oklahoma, Woman Leaves For Mormon Mission in Wake of Tornado

In the wake of a tornado
She became the Lord's own
Taking trust and faith in tow
The mission is her home

Mormon Missionaries - Men Called to Serve

The gospel changes lives
To grow in many ways
Through serving God, one thrives
In faith and love always

Obedience to Law Is Liberty

Today we're in a war
Of words, thoughts and deeds
Remember who we are
And plant gospel seeds

May we ever be a light
High upon a moral hill
Showing the way that is bright
Doing our Father's will

Blessings always come
Through our obedience
Then, liberty is won
And we are freed from sin, hence

Obedience to Law Is Liberty
"Today we find ourselves in another war. This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to be reminded of the commandments."
May we ever be a light on the hill, an example in keeping the commandments, which have never changed and will never change. Just as this small book encouraged LDS servicemen to stand morally firm in times of war, may we, in this latter-day war, be a beacon to all the earth and particularly to God’s children who are seeking the Lord’s blessings. Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 
—L. Tom Perry, "Obedience to Law Is Liberty"
Topics: Obedience

Friday, September 13, 2013

Preserving Religious Freedom

Without freedom of conscience

One's morality pales

The right to live your religion

Is how a nation prevails

Join in the fight

To exercise your will

Speak, it's your right

This attack is real!

What Is Religious Freedom?

Think, act, and express
What you deeply feel
How have you been blessed
to know that God is real?

The world's diverse beliefs
Can and do co-exist
Aiding moralities
To more thrive and persist

When religious freedom's in tact
There is health and prosperity
Allowing one's conscience to act
Builds harmony and stability

For neighbors meet their neighbors
And become aware of needs
As from the fruits of our labors
There comes more generous deeds

Have a Blessed Day

Have a blessed day
You have your hands full!
May good come your way
Life is wonderful

Someone who came home from their mission said they heard "have a blessed day" all the time.  Even in the same breath as, "you have your hands full" to some young mother.
May you have a blessed day!

Bless Your Heart

Bless your heart
For all you do.
Kind, you are.

My friend, 

Rion Paige - Judges are "Blown Away" - THE X FACTOR USA 2013

When it's your time to fly
Put passion into it
Get blown into the sky
Soar and smile in the lift

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who is Supremely Extraordinaire?

Who, today, has the most power?
And blesses mankind for good?
Who avails himself each hour
And travails each neighborhood?

Who inspires invention
And lights each home with love?
Who is but perfection
But our Savior above


All the best artillery
Even for centuries acquired
Does not assure security
When civility has expired

All the best artillery
A nation acquires
Cannot prevent the enemy
From evil desires

The strength of a nation
Is the good people therein
Who found their education
In the home where choice begins

Life, hope, and liberty
Is worthy of any price
And a nation is found hurting
When we forget to be nice

Sunday, September 8, 2013

We Cannot But Speak the Word

We cannot but speak the Word
Of that which we have both seen and heard
Miracles have come our way
And, it is through the Lord we pray

Bible Videos

Who Shall You Fear?

Who do you fear,
Heed, and obey?
Hold the Lord dear
He is the Way

Bible Videos

    verb (used with object) 1. to give careful attention to: He did not heed the warning. verb (used without object) 2. to give attention; have regard. noun 3. careful ...

Everybody Benefits

Everybody benefits
When we have gifts to share
Every member from God gets
A gift to use with care

Fishers of Men

Jesus called men from the sea
And asked them, "Come follow me"
Then, He made them, great fishers of men
Instead of nets, they had souls to mend

Bible Videos

Matthew 4:18-22

18And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
19And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
20And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
21And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them.
22And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

You May Know the Truth

You may know the truth
Of all things
The Spirit is proof
Truth it brings

A subtle warm thought...
Pondering starts
And new faith is sought
Here, heaven parts

And... light shines through
Just upon you

A finger of a touch
Lights upon your head
Heaven is made of such
And a soul is led

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Glimpse of Vastness

I was standing in my office
Having prayed for Christ's sweet peace
When I came to know His purpose:
To overcome, that evil cease

I thought I saw before me
A covered immense pit
One corner lifted slightly
For a dark brief instant

The depth of evil, the vastness
Caused me to fall back, overcome
I collapsed, quite shocked and breathless
And cried silently to the Son

How can we ever come to hope?
Or survive such vast darkness?
While injustices are shown...
Ought they, forever, to harm us?

Then, these words came to my mind
"Be of good cheer, I have overcome"
For God, the world, and  mankind!

Jesus has marked the path and won!

Juxtaposed from evil
I felt peace rise, to judge well
With a love for all people...
There is a way out of hell

I felt deeper appreciation
For the intensity of suffering
Of the Lord, for our salvation...
And, was overwhelmed by this offering!

I felt peace in His power
To repair, reclaim, and cleanse
To save us in that hour
Good WILL triumph in the end!

I was standing in front of a chair in my office pleading with the Lord to help me understand how such evil could have been perpetrated. I did not see but rather sensed an immense pit with a covering over it. One corner of the covering was lifted slightly for just an instant, and I perceived within the pit the depth and vastness of the evil that exists in this world. It was greater than I could really comprehend. I was overcome. I collapsed into the chair behind me. The experience seemed to take my breath away. I cried silently, “How can we ever hope to overcome such evil? How can we survive something so dark and overwhelming?”
In that moment there came to my mind this phrase: “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Seldom have I felt such peace juxtaposed with the reality of evil. I felt a deeper appreciation for the intensity of the Savior’s suffering and had a better, even frightening, appreciation for the depth of what He had to overcome. I felt peace for the man who was before us for judgment, knowing he had a Redeemer, whose grace was sufficient to cleanse him and also repair the injustices he had suffered. I knew better that good will triumph because of Jesus Christ, whereas without Him we would have no chance. I felt peace, and it was very sweet.