
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Highlights: We Never Walk Alone

When you walk a path strewn with thorns
That's isolated and marked by struggle
Remember blessings come in many forms
And our Father is aware of your trouble

We were not placed on this earth
To walk alone, crippled in fear
Remember you are a child of worth
And our Father is always near         1 of 2 poems, see the label: we never walk alone
President Monson told the congregation that there will be times they will walk a path strewn with thorns and marked by struggle. “There may be times when you feel detached — even isolated —from the Giver of every good gift. You worry that you walk alone. Fear replaces faith.
“When you find yourself in such circumstances, I plead with you to remember prayer.”
God’s children were not placed on this earth to walk alone, said President Monson. “What an amazing source of power, of strength and of comfort is available to each of us. He who knows us better than we know ourselves, he who sees the larger picture and who knows the end from the beginning, has assured us that he will be there for us to provide help if we but ask. …
“Difficult as it may at times be, it is for us, as well, to trust our Heavenly Father to know best how and when and in what manner to provide the help we seek.”


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