The Prophet Joseph Smith
Is our special witness
Of the resurrected Christ
Whom he had seen in light
As one called, he restored the gospel
Through the priesthood this was possible
And through modern day revelation
We've the Book of Mormon translation
He built temples, the veil was parted
Then, with his own blood, as a martyr
He died as a personal witness
Of the work we are left to finish
"With a Spirit-derived assurance in place, you can go forward in the Lord's work and continue deepening your relationship with your Heavenly Father while pursuing or awaiting answers. If you determine to sit still, paralyzed until every question is answered and every whisper of doubt resolved, you will never move because in this life there will always be some issue pending, things yet unexplained."Elder Christofferson said that "Joseph Smith's prophetic calling is key to our religion." Yet even with his large contributions, he is not its foundation — Jesus Christ is the foundation, and it is His Crucifixion and Resurrection that every other element of God's plan for the salvation of His children is built upon.
Elder Christofferson shared three ways the Prophet Joseph Smith is the great latter-day revelator of Jesus Christ — his personal witness of the Savor's Resurrection, his translation and publication of the Book of Mormon and through sealing his testimony with his own blood.
"Among mortals, the Lord Jesus Christ has had no surer witness, no more committed disciple, no more loyal advocate than Joseph Smith, His prophet, seer and revelator. By his personal witness of the resurrected Savior, ... [he] has laid before the world the preeminent revelation of Jesus Christ for our time."The Prophet Joseph the great 'latter-day revelator'
Learning from the teachings of leader guides people to Christ
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