
Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Eye of Faith

The eye of faith requires
That we focus on God and pray
To maintain righteous desires
And that distractions go away

Choose the best out of the good and better
And do the things that matter most
You don't have to follow this to the letter
But seek to keep the Holy Ghost

Plan the work
Work the plan
Do not shirk
What is grand

thoughts from Stake Presidency message
by President Steven R Hoer
Henderson/Nevada Green Valley Stake
Quoting his daughter Diana "plan our work and work our plan"
and Elder Pearson "Distraction eliminates the very focus the eye of faith requires.  Discouragement and distraction are two of Satan's most effective tools.  Distraction leads to a lack of diligence and a reduced commitment to remain true and faithful and to carry on through despite hardships and disappointments."

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