
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Savior Suffers in Gethsemane

In the Garden of Gethsemane
With naught a soul around
Of the disciples, He took but three
To the wine press... without a sound

He being sorrowful, nigh unto death
Went a little further and fell on His face
To the Father He prayed with agonizing breath
Asking the cup to pass, though this the time and place

Nevertheless, God did not intervene
Jesus submitted and did not cower
Then to Peter and the sons of Zebedee
He asked, "Could ye not watch with me one hour?"

"Watch and pray,"  He warned to advise
That they not enter into temptation
But they could not escape from the sleep in their eyes
And He went back to His lonely station

For the second time, He prayed that the cup might pass
Nevertheless, painfully... bitterly... He did drink
Then back to His disciples, what more could He ask?
Jesus went away... to the Father's will, He did not shrink

Then a third time He saw the apostles asleep as before
In the garden that for Him offered no rest
He suffered, knowingly, blood escaping each pore
That in our trials and infirmities, He might know... to bless

Enduring all that is dark, crazed, and sinister
He suffered more than any could know
Quietly an angel came to administer
That the love of a Father could overflow

To a fresh stream He dropped and knelt
He dipped His hands and washed His wearied face
Soon to return to his friends as terrible as He felt
For Judas would come, knowing of the place

Yes, the hour was at hand
And He was betrayed
The kiss His to withstand
The torn ear to be stayed

The scapegoat was tied
Stained with all of our sins
To be unfairly tried
And suffer once again

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