
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jesus Tried by Caiaphas, Peter Denies Knowing Christ

With torches lit for the long night
Jesus was brought before Caiaphas
Fully prepared to prove they were right
The Chief Priests produced witnesses

What was said was nothing new!
But was taken out of context
Clothing was rent, anger grew
Jesus was treated with contempt

"What think ye?" the High Priest looked on
Wanting to end the trial taking place
One by one Jesus was spit upon
And each raised a fist upon His face

Meanwhile..., without, Peter could not sleep
He paced, distraught, fully in despair
Was he not with the man of Galilee?
He was asked of the people there

But he denied the Lord three times cursing with an oath:
"I know not know the man! ...what thou sayest! I do not know the man!"
Then suddenly he mourned, as the first cock crowed
Resounding Christ's alarm: Watch out! Have faith! Flee from the temptors' hand!

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