
Monday, April 2, 2012

Mountains to Climb

The trials that we know
Are as mountains to ascend
Each step to help us grow
If we've faith... blessings descend

It is easy to lose courage
As we cannot see ahead
Thus at each clear peak or ridge
We seek our progress instead

More along the way
Time stretches think
For patience, we pray
Lest in our hearts we sink

Oft the path is steep
And the winds howl long
The ravines, dark and deep,
 Remind us to hold on

There are trails to skip-
This path is but straight
It is easy to slip
And then go astray

The more we ascend
Faith and strength does grow
For where we have been
We can see... and know

Pondering President Henry B Erying
Mountains to Climb
April 2012 General Conference

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