
Sunday, April 1, 2012

He Taught Us

He taught us how to live
He taught us how to die
He taught how to forgive
And pray to God on high

He passed beneath all things
When He could have turned His back
He served to save all things
Sacrificing in our behalf

None of us can conceive
The full import of what He did
But in truth, I believe
He knows us and He lives!

He Is Risen: A Prophet’s Testimony
Posted: 01 Apr 2012 08:00 AM PDT
"I believe that none of us can conceive the full import of what Christ did for us in Gethsemane, but I am grateful every day of my life for His atoning sacrifice in our behalf. At the last moment, He could have turned back. But He did not. He passed beneath all things that He might save all things. In doing so, He gave us life beyond this mortal existence. He reclaimed us from the Fall of Adam. To the depths of my very soul, I am grateful to [the Savior]. He taught us how to live. He taught us how to die. He secured our salvation."
—President Thomas S. Monson, "He Is Risen: A Prophet’s Testimony", Liahona, Apr. 2012
Topics: Jesus Christ, Resurrection

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