
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Now We Lay You Down to Sleep

Though your time here was so small
You left an imprint on this earth.
Ever in my heart I recall
The love I felt from the first.

My sweet infant, how you tried
To survive with every breath.
And with your last... how I cried
Made lonely by your death

Now we lay you down to sleep
To be with God on high
Unto the angels for watch keep.
And it is not goodbye!

For one last picture, here you wear
This sweet and precious gown
Made with love and tender care;
As now, with God, we lay you down.

Dedicated to nowilaymedowntosleep a nonprofit that arranges for a memory photo of small infants, newborns, and still borns. One tangible proof that a precious life did indeed exist.

The final kiss
The last touch
No, I insist
This is too much!

But trust I must
And I let you go
Unto God, thus
His love to know!

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