
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sharing the faith: Brother Mesa of Honduras | Mormon Times

Sharing the faith: Brother Mesa of Honduras | Mormon Times
Finding fruitful land
In high places
Of their faith at hand
They left their traces

The missionaries heard
That they were afar off
Through traveling word
Their purpose was sought

It took a full day
To hike the high peak
Night soon would give way
They were determined to seek

Each door where they knocked
Knew of this family
And highly they talked
Of what they'd shared amply

Reaching their doorstep
They were warmly embraced
In a bag, here, was kept
Tithing they'd saved!

The Elders had found
A home filled with love
With scriptures around
And prayers sent above

The children were well read
Due to the Book of Mormon
The missionaries were fed
A kinship was forming

In a land lush and green
Members are dotting the land
Their faith is highly seen
The gospel is at hand!

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