
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Latter-day Commentary: Mountain Meadows massacre in the news again

Latter-day Commentary: Mountain Meadows massacre in the news again

What can you do
When someone you love
Acts hatefully
And kills thereof too...

Do not further abuse.
Honor those who've died
And make no excuse cannot hide

Then seek to know
And understand
Let forgiveness flow
Trust in God's hand

Others were blamed
As they too took part
Adding to the shame
Sins path to chart

What can we learn
And not repeat?
Have faith, discern
When fears you meet

This group had come
To travel through
Hurting none
They'd children too

Though, they were from where
An apostle was killed
The order wasn't there
To have their lives stilled

Otherwise good men
Sinned greatly that day
Feeling threatened
They plotted away

Then furthering the sin
They tried to bury their acts
Knowing this... let's begin
To understand all the facts

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