
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pick Up Your Cross

Pick up your cross
And follow me
As I the Lord did
On Calvary
In life or death
Be an example
Of discipleship
To ensample

To the smiters
I offered my back
Wearing crowns of thorns
I let them mock
Let love flow forth
And be your motive
The symbol of faith
Is how you live

If ye love me
Keep my commandments
Love one another
Keep your covenants
Look steadfastly
High unto heaven
With my countenance
Through laws given

Be repentant
And forsake your sins
Then spiritual strength
Through me begins
For with my yoke
Each burden is light
I will give you rest
And peace of mind

Come be counted
Along the straight way
Come journey with me
Now and always
The path is bright
Filled with hope and love
For this journey leads
To God above

Come and journey
To our Father who
Gives each agency
For works to do
Richly given
Each must give also
Through consecration
Comes joy to know

...on a journey discovering what it means to pick up your cross and "Come Follow Me" even the one and true Savior, Jesus Christ.

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