
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Prayer Group

When in prayer we are gathered
God promises to be there also
Before uttered, the words are heard
As, from Him, what we say oft flows

As we are all in need
There is so much to say
Humbly, on our knees
For each other we can pray

Should we pray by rote
That is not come of spirit
Only the walls take note
Naught is there to hear it
Should we pray for pay
Who then might advance?
Naught brightens much that way
As to another prayers go askance

How then shall we pray?
But in our Lord, Jesus' name
For He is the Way
And our Savior to all the same

To pray is to keep in touch
With our maker, our Father above
He has blessed us oh so much
Always... let us pray and thank Him, with love

When we speak from the heart
The Spirit imparts
Giving us words to say
It is a blessing to pray

Matthew 18:19-20 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Pondering prayer, wishful thinking, prayer sites, etc.
First- How do we pray?
Where do the words come from?
In whose name do we pray?

I joined a prayer group a long time ago. We were of several churches. I went to support a friend. We would read from the scriptures. Talk about faith, believing that our prayers would sustain each other in our trials. We would each take turns praying for one another, in faith and love. I believe you can pray for strangers. I also believe words are given us to say. It is a time of humility. We offer prayers in Jesus' name and according to the will of God. If we turn to a web site for our prayers to be answered, who are we putting our faith in? There is the heart of the question. We can put God's word before us and come to know and speak with Him- personally. I testify of that. He hears and answers prayers- oft times through other people. But, always He is to whom we pray and the words come of Him to say. We are His children. He is our Heavenly Father. I know that.

I would like to share what we as a church have as "prayer groups". We begin and end all meetings with prayer.
*We open (invocation) by inviting the spirit, giving thanks for our country, its people, missionaries, and those serving our country. We ask prayers for blessings to be upon our leaders (both of our country and church) and ask that the speakers be blessed and that through the spirit we might receive their words.
*We close (benediction) by thanking Heavenly Father for the spirit felt and the words that have touched our hearts and that His spirit might continue with us as well as the thoughts and impressions we have felt. We pray over the needs of others and ask that we travel home in safety. We pray to be mindful of others.
*Our prayer groups consist of: family prayer in family home evenings, all church meetings, home teaching ( two men of the priesthood who are assigned to give a message from the First Presidency and look after the needs of certain families), visiting teacher ( two sisters assigned to look after the needs of certain sisters), etc.
*We pray as a ward, stake, or specific group. We pray in our home, church, temples, etc. It is a privilege to pray to God above and we can take the opportunity to do so at any time.
*I often pray over all that is immediate to me. My family, job, callings, etc.
Prayer is circular. We pray out of need and gratitude- the more we pray the more we are aware of needs and find more to be thankful for. It is a warm blanket of security (peace) and love. Everything can be going wrong and we can just put it into God's hands and know that He is there and we are in His tender care. Sometimes in the worst trials we feel the closest to Him. And that is all that matters....

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