
Sunday, November 21, 2010

President Dieter Uchtdorf - Of Things That Matter Most

When an aged tree
Is cut to the ground
You can easily see
How its measure is found

For every lone ring
There's a season and a year
When the times are lean
The rings grow ever near

When the weather is good
The tree shows how much
Having added more wood
To reach and to touch

We, like the trees
Ought not to feel bad
If through our needs
We slow down just a tad

When stress levels rise
We can apply this same rule
Unto our scheduled lives
And let life teach its school

God's plan of happiness
Allows that we proceed
Enjoying life's fullness
According to our needs

Let there always be time
To study, ponder, and pray
Being still enough to find
His light bright'ning the way

Let us simply, then
Share His love in the home
Strengthened in the end
To know we're not alone

The heavens are open
The gospel's on the Earth
What matters the most, then?
Feeling of divine worth

Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Of Things That Matter Most
Ensign, November 2010, 19

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