
Monday, November 29, 2010

The Lord Has Not Left us Alone

The Lord has not left us alone
We can seek His counsel today
In truth, His words remains known
Saying "Take heed," Watch out," and "Pray"

His teachings keep us on guard
As not all His disciples endured
"Come unto Me" He offers with hands scarred
"Come follow Me" on a path that's made sure

Then... keenly He asks, "Will ye also go away?"
As many of His disciples doubted and left
By not understanding through Him one prays
And spirituality is not casually kept

"Never, no never" is my heartfelt reply
"With Thee I feel love's comforting peace"
"Thou art the Lord whom I'll never deny!"
"I will cling to Thy word and continually feast!"

Neil L. Andersen
Never Leave Him
Ensign, November 29,

"Perfection does not come in this life, but we exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and keep our covenants. President Monson has promised, “Your testimony, when constantly nourished, will keep you safe.” We push our spiritual roots deep, feasting daily on the words of Christ in the scriptures. We trust in the words of living prophets, placed before us to show us the way. We pray and pray and listen to the quiet voice of the Holy Ghost that leads us along and speaks peace to our soul. Whatever challenges arise, we never, never leave Him."

The Savior asked His Apostles, “Will ye also go away?”John 6:67.
Peter answered: “Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
“… We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.”
John 6:68–69

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