
Sunday, November 28, 2010

The American Culture

The American culture
Values strong families and hard work
Invests in the future
And does not see dependency as a perk

Citizens let's unite
And work to curb social ills
Sexual promiscuity- let's fight
Along with pornography and drug thrills

The new and rising generation
Must follow our initiative
And self-promote abstinence education
While seeking opportunities where they live

click on the post's title to go to Mitt Romney Central
The strong family has been, and should continue to be, a source and foundation of American culture.
Couples should get married before they have children. Children benefit greatly from having both a mother and father at home.
Abstinence education should be given to students.
Pornography and sexual promiscuity are great threats to families and our culture.
The United States has always valued hard work, education, and belief in God.
Initiative, risk taking, and opportunity need to continue to be key values of American culture. Dependency is culture killing

1 comment:

  1. morning kelly, please use any image you like form the blog ( i have images at
