
Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Seeds of Alienation

The seeds of alienation
In a marriage once so sweet
Came through the education
Of traps set to mind sweep

Through the click of a mouse
The adversary leaks coverage
For temptations to douse
With lust as the leverage

At the root of this evil
Is an attempt to destroy
Roles given male and female
That can be holy to enjoy

With open hands and hearts
Love reaches out and up
But when the opposite starts
Self-indulgence makes rough

Like thieves in the night
Lust is a cesspool of perceptions
Clandestine to ignite
If one succumbs to its deceptions

Run- fast to get away
Give no place for this sin
Continually for mercy- pray
With God, it's a battle you can win

Filter out all that does pull
Seek help and watch your step
The spirit can be made dull
If your covenants are not kept

Ask for a priesthood blessing
Plea for angels while you pray
Picture your loved ones- this I'm stressing
As their images oft save the day

Fill your home with all that's good
With art, music, and literature
And know God's laws are best understood
When you keep yourself lit, clean, and pure

Remember the temple arms you with power
As there are symbols you take home with you
That glory might be about to shower
Angels among your midst too

Ever think of Christ
Who has born every grief
Who has carried our sorrows
And can heal us as Light greets

Every time that we transgress
We hurt not only those we love
But Him who so dearly loves us
And saves us for heaven above

Give no place for the enemy
Who would to destroy your soul
Be pure as we were meant to be
And let fidelity be your goal

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul
2 Nephi 4:12
Ensign, May 2010, 44

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