
Friday, September 24, 2010

Flip-Flopping in Bed

Flip-flopping in bed
Trapped in deepening thought
Much circled in my head
With worries that I fought

My stomach took to burning
I began to feel heart sick
With anxiety turning
Dark, consuming, and thick

Some things can't be ignored
As life demands of us
Thankfully, the Lord
Is a strength whom all can trust

What's bothersome today
Is but a passing of time
When we've faith enough to pray
In the end, things work out fine

I found this- I had written a month or so ago. Worrying about selling the house.
I guess I am getting used to having an empty house in Ca- It has been for sale for months. I have been blessed though with a raise and my paycheck nearly covers the mortgage payment. I just know I don't want to be a renter again. And we only did it for one year.

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