
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Will Ye Also Go Away?

"Will ye also go away?"
Jesus asked of His twelve
"Where would we go?" He heard Peter say
He, being their living well

From that time forth Jesus spoke
Of His ensuing death
Hanging over all like a heavy cloak
He was to become their Living Breath

As His ministry drew to a close
They saw of the Lord, added dimension
How oft shall we forgive- Peter proposed
Seventy times seven...He said...thus too many to mention

His words unleashed new blessings
There was promise for the vilest sinners
As only through forgiveness of transgressors
Will we come across in heaven as winners

This miraculous sermon on forgiveness
Was to be tested in the holy city
When a woman in adultery was witnessed
The scribe and pharisees saw their opportunity

By command, her fate was known
They challenged Jesus... wanting His judgement on this matter
"He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone,"
He answered...and they departed- their hopes shattered

They had thought the trap was set
For Roman law forbid casting
And Mosaic law did contradict
In the end, their own guilt...was proved lasting

The words of Jesus regarding the woman
Broke down the Pharisaic wall
Just as the shouts of Joshua and His men
Caused the walls of Jericho to fall

Who would not now come unto Him
For He truly invited rest and peace
Those who would believe and repent often
Could know the meaning of being truly blessed

thoughts from
Son of Man
Susan Easton Black

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