
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mary and Martha from Bethany

Mary and Martha from Bethany
Sent word of Lazarus
Jesus was needed urgently
As their brother was dying, thus

"This sickness is not unto death," He exclaimed
"But for the glory of God and the Son"
As, too, "Lazarus is dead," He proclaimed
Still...their four day journey had just begun

Upon arriving,noisy lamentations pierced the air
As chairs and couches were placed upside down
Evidencing all was not right in the dwellings there
Lazarus had been dead for four days, now

"Where have ye laid him?" Jesus asked
They went to a cave and rolled a stone away
And upon a living Lazarus their eyes cast
Many no longer doubted Christ after that day

thoughts from
Son of Man
Susan Easton Black

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