Sunday, March 14, 2010
While Reading the Scriptures
While reading the scriptures and pondering all alone
I was greatly impressed, as I'd never been before
Concerning the spirit prison... a vision then was shown,
For understanding, my eyes were opened, through the Spirit of the Lord
I saw innumerable hosts of dead, from the small to the great
Who had been proved faithful while sojourneying here on earth
Even those who had suffered tribulation in our Redeemer's name
And, I beheld their joy and gladness anticipating resurrection's birth
Having departed mortal life, firm in the hope of an eternal one
They knew their sleeping dust was to be restored to perfect frame they were assembled awaiting the advent of the Son
Declaring liberty to the faithful captives, the Savior to them... came
Apart from those in darkness, among these righteous there was peace
To them He preached the gospel, every doctrine that ever was
The saints rejoiced in His words and bowed humbly at the knee
Then... He called them forth to teach the wicked of our Father's ways
There to choose to repent through suffering for all they had transgressed
To await their cleansing unto eternal life so pleasant
That each might be judged according to their days in the flesh
And... here is a list of some, that day, whom I saw present:
Adam, the Ancient of Days and father of us all
Eve, with her daughters who had proved they love God
Abel the first martyr, with his mighty brother Seth
Noah, from the flood and the great high priest Shem
Abraham, the father of the covenant, for all who are faithful
And standing by his promised son Isaac was Jacob from the well
Moses, the great law giver, who'd prophesied of this day
Ezekiel, who was shown in vision the resurrection of the dead
Daniel, who foresaw and foretold the Latter-Day restoration
Elias, who was with Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration
Malachi, who spoke of Elijah, who would plant promises in families hearts
All these and many more...(including the prophets of the Book of Mormon,) were waiting for their day of deliverance to start!
And... this labor continues even to this day
Thus the faithful elders who depart from this life
Go forth helping others repent of their ways
There to await ordinances unto Jesus Christ
There is now a welding link between the dispensations
As temple work for the dead has been ushered in
This is the day revealed and promised at the earth's foundation
And as we seal our loved ones the veil becomes evermore so thin
D&C 138 Joseph F. Smith's vision of the righteous dead assembled in paradise- present with the Redeemer came, before His resurrection, to preach and organize the teaching of those in the spirit world.
I wrote this... days passed and I went to the temple. The scriptures opened to this page. I added more... with gratitude ... from my own feelings of anticipation
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