
Monday, March 29, 2010

Upon Leaving the Placid Sea

Upon leaving the placid sea
Unto Jesus many gathered for relief
And, He, without reservation to any
Gave His healing touch which was gladly received

Among the throng was one...Jarius
A synagogue ruler deep in need
For His daughter's health was precarious
And to go visit her...Jesus agreed

As they walked the distance
Many who suffered pressed against Jesus
And...He knew in an instant
When virtue had gone from Him, thus

"Who touched my garment?" He asked of all
Knowing that one of them had been healed
A woman came to Him and made herself small
Confessing and trembling as tears spilled

"Daughter, be of good comfort!" He said
Teaching that faith had made her whole
And He made way to Jarius' bed
Finding her dead, still he recalled her soul

What possible manner of man is this?
That not only the elements respond
But, the devils and dead take notice
Surely, one mightier could not be found

thoughts from Son of Man
Susan Easton Black
Son of Man

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