
Monday, March 29, 2010

From the Well-Trodden Paths of Galilee

From the well-trodden paths of Galilee
Jesus and His disciples went to a desert place apart
But peace from the petitioners was not to be
For He had brought such hope to their hearts

Jesus healed the day wore on
And evening shadows came across the plains
For each journeying home the road was dark and long
Two fishes and five loaves were gathered and He prayed

The assembled He caused to sit in ranks
In groups of fifty and even a hundred
Reminiscent of Israel and Moses long ago
The multitude of Bethsada He miraculously fed

After all were satisfied from the peasant meal
The leftovers were collected in baskets
Is it a coincidence that twelve were filled?
Symbolic of the work, yea, of the Apostles

This day, prophecy was in fulfillment
For, in the Lord's day, a meal, as Manna, was shown
Such that... when Jesus said, "Whom say the people I am?"...He meant-
Did they know their promised Messiah was now to be known?

Regardless, they desired that He
Were wont to be crowned as their king
Hoping, that from oppression, He'd save them
Not understanding the ransom He'd bring

"Whom say ye that I am?" Of the disciples, He asked
And it was Peter who answered, "The Christ of God"
Straightway... He sent the disciples unto a task
And the people homeward... that He might pray, alone, from all

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