
Sunday, March 7, 2010

In A Day of Triumph and Authority

In a day of triumph and authority
The Savior entered the holy city.
It was desired of Him to be an earthly king.
Yet... it was salvation He came to bring.

He went and cast out the money changers
In a display of righteous anger.
Was it not the Romans He should fight?
Yet...truly for cleansing He came with Light.

For are we not like a temple?
Housed spirits, as God's people?
Ever in need of purifying
What should I, then, be denying?

That petty thought or worldly want,
Defiling in me what He has won?
Were I to repent of, for higher ground
To spiritual safety I would be found.

thoughts from
14 day walk with Christ- Oviedo ward youth
click on title to go to site at sugardoodle

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