
Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Will Live the Truths I Know

I will live the truths I know
And be righteous inwardly
Letting my light shine where e'er I go
For God truly empowers me

I will avoid hypocrisy
And not judge any other
If anyone's a sinner... it's me
And that other is my brother

In my ceaseless quest for truth
Both spiritual and secular
When e'er I need Light for proof
I know it's found through serving Father

Jesus warns about hypocrisy in Matthew 23 –
there are some wonderful images here –
be sure the watch for JST in the footnotes.

thoughts from 14 day walk with Christ-
What is hypocrisy and why is it dangerous?

President Hinckley said:

“Ours ought to be a ceaseless quest for truth. That truth must include spiritual and religious truth as well as secular.”

“If you have any question concerning the truth of this work, you do the will of God and you will know that it is true.”

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