Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Coming to Earth Required We Pass a Test
Coming to earth... required we pass a test
Which one third refused to take
Now with vengeance that will not rest
They would we break covenants we make
Before earth we knew Heavenly Father
And, His beloved son, Jesus the Christ
Oft, to see and listen to them, we gathered...
Now there's a veil, blocking them from before our eyes
Satan and His followers know who we really are
And would to take advantage of where we are weak
But we have many helps for courage by far
The greatest being the Savior, who atoned,...ever meek
Because of all He did
Sins can be washed away
As we hold to what's sacred
Repent oft and obey
We've spiritual gifts.. each a valuable resource
Equally, we've the Light of Christ given at birth
Aiding our choices unto whisperings of a narrow course...
Where the veil thins with glimpses of our divine worth
Too, there is power come of the priesthood
Giving us courage... to serve... through this promise:
That the angels will assist for our good
And we'll have, in our hearts, the Lord's Spirit to notice
Whatever in life we might face
We've enough to banish all fears
As more of the Lord we embrace
A greater understanding appears:
For all the elements combined to hedge up His way
And the very jaws of hell gaped open it's mouth wide for show
As the hands of enemies and the sentence of death worked to dismay
Ever, He descended... below any billowing surge or darkness we can know
D&C 122:7-8
The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than He?
Henry B. Eyring
Moral Courage
Liahona, Mar 2010, 4–7
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