
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Have in My Heart a Knowledge

I have in my heart a knowledge
That our Savior lives and loves me
With a hand on my heart I pledge
To come unto Him, solemnly

dignified manner, committed to keeping promises

pledge- promise

Sister Lant said that while living on earth, the Savior directed that the children be brought to Him.

"We are under the same commitment today to bring the children to the Savior so that they might know Him."

Children today need to know that their Savior lives, she said. "If they can have that in their hearts they will be OK."

'I Know My Savior Lives' is 2010 Primary theme
New, improved outline to help children and teachers
By Sarah Jane Weaver
Church News staff writer
Published: Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009
click on above title to read church news article

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