
Sunday, August 2, 2009

What Would That Man Who Leads Us Be Without His Supportive Wife?

What would that man who leads us
Be without his supportive wife?
As his call has been placed in trust
To support us towards unity in life -- (my new Bishop)
To support us for all of his life -- (Elder Perry)
To support us through all our strife
Please add to how this could end
I suspect it is endless

Thank you dear sisters in each ward
For this is not easy as you serve also
As we are all on a path ever moving forward
That necessitates we help each other as we go

I wrote this during the sacrament after
reading that L. Tom Perry wrote it.
I was so touched with the interview
Sherry Dew had with Elder and Sister
Perry. Imagine a prophet informing
an Apostle that he thought you were
better for service when you were a
married man and hinting that it was
time to consider remarrying. And he
married the most compassionate woman-
and he took on her commitment to her
elders- and carrying for aging family
members. If no one will take them into
there home for their last years- I will!
I just think their marriage so romantic-
a love to last forever!

So- I changed the last line for my
new bishop put in on Sunday- and the comments
he made. It was going to be towards
eternal life

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