
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Two Opposing Forces

Two opposing forces
Drove the Saints to Zion
Both full bent on causes
Whose truths could one rely on?

Who stood for freedom and love
Based on righteous principles
Who sought out strength from above
Though frozen footprints bled in pools

For every worthy cause
Let there be protective armor
Lest the enemies striking claws
Poison Zion or try to harm her

From New York to Ohio
Missouri then Illinois
The Saints resettled high and low
With faithfulness still employed

The testimony of the converts
And their love for the temple
Unified their efforts
Unto being a hopeful people

Like David of long ago
They choose to face each Goliath
With faith in every footstep to go
On treks that helps one reach the highest

Armed with testimony and faith
They established gospel truths
And strengthened hearts grown faint
Theirs the test as pioneers to prove

And are we not also
Pioneers today
To lead and to tow
Each other along the way

LDS general authority ( Elder Jay E. Jensen) speaks of motivation, protection of pioneers
By R. Scott Lloyd
Church News staff writer
Published: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:26 p.m. MDT
click on title to read article

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