
Monday, July 27, 2009

Glance Backward, Look Heavenward, Reach Outward, and Press Onward

Monson spoke of four guideposts we need on our journey-
First: Glance backward.
Second: Look heavenward.
Third: Reach outward.
Fourth: Press onward.

So, I pondered this in relationship to partaking of the sacrament...after playing some of the sacrament hymns

We glance backwards at this past week
Where were we strong, where were we meek
And for the Lord what did we do?
To prepare again here to renew

Looking heavenward for love and strength
What more have I to need at length?
Than loving emblems of the Lord
What more could our time on earth afford?

Reaching outward with hands that serve
We recommit to work with verve
And consecrate all that we have
Upon the Lord's straight and narrow path

Pressing onward with sacrifice
We redevote to Jesus Christ
He being the Master of our fate
We'll replenish oil and Him await

President Thomas S. Monson
BYU CES 2007

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