
Monday, July 20, 2009

A Man in the Community

A man in the community
Had a mighty gift of healing
But he lacked sufficient humility
And went beyond spiritual feeling

Puffed up in prominence
There to gratitify his own ego
He traveled a path of variance
And knocked on doors, where e'er he'd go

For the adversary
Led him away through this gift
Unto doing contrary
But, truly, who gives these powers to uplift?

We must always remember
For what our gifts are given
To humbly bless God's members
Not to misapply as self driven

Unto each of us
Lies a special gift
It is there in trust
To be lost if we soon drift

Dallin H. Oaks
Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall
Ensign, Oct 1994, 11

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