
Monday, July 6, 2009

In a Class of Eager and Maturing minds

In a class of eager
And maturing minds
A lesson can’t be meager
To expand its design

A teacher must stretch
Sift through and then sort
For the student to soar
And apply the best effort

At times questions spark
Where answers are unknown
For there’s naught written to mark
And revelations’ not been shown

Like a missing puzzle piece
We’ll examine it a bit
Seek for the spirit to increase
To find out where it fits

But, the picture is so large
That at this time we put it back
Till our vision does enlarge
Of which for now we still lack

Asking questions is edifying
To the teacher and the learner
As our faith we are defining
Through our spiritual page turning

But, when we sin we see
Through a much dimmer glass
And answers aren’t always seen
Just because we came to class

As with the vexation of the soul
Answers lie before the face
But doubt has paid its toll
And the wisdom’s not embraced

A teacher shall not fear
An ability to respond
For it is very clear
The pursuit of knowledge daunts

The answers seldom come
But after we’ve been on our knees
Oft while we are helping someone
With their trials and their needs **

A divine response of counsel
Comes when we surrender
Not to the wind with a white towel
But to His timetable we live under

We must become prepared
To receive with obedience too
Lest once it has been bared
We discard the need to do

Too, we need to keep hold to the rod
Even if of some things we’re uncertain
For the word is the path to God
And it will ever ease our burden

Be grateful for what you know
And heed God’s counsel too
For from obedience does flow
Blessings of love and light anew

Robert L. Millet
Holding Fast: Dealing with Doubts in the latter Days
Mormon Life, July 08, 2009
click on the title to go to the site

**Richard G. Scott
Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer
Ensign, May 2007, 8–11

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