
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Addictions and Compulsions

Addictions and compulsions
Can ever tempt one to recycle
But, there's a path for its expulsion
That breaks through this bad cycle

A compulsion to sin
Starts with a self-indulgence
That is concealed deep within
Through isolation as a fence

Save through a self-disclosure
This cycle won't end
There will never be closure
Unless the burden's shared with a friend

The blessing of acceptance and love
Come through repentance and confession
And petitions for help from above
While working towards progression

Believe it or not
It can be even better
Than ever before
As you are not a quitter

Ask Dr. Elia: Breaking the porn cycle
Mormon Times
Tuesday, Jul. 07, 2009
click on the title to go to the article
Dr. Elia Gourgouris is a nationally known speaker, relationship expert and author of “The Multi-Platinum Marriage: Going form onSurviving to Thriving.“ He is a UCLA graduate and holds a Ph.D. in psychology. He coaches LDS couples and individuals throughout the United States.

He was born in Athens, Greece, and now resides in Boulder, Colo., with his wife and children. He can be contacted through his Web sites, or, or at 303-523-6396.

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