
Monday, June 1, 2009

Who'll Be the Shepherd

The lost sheep

Who'll be the shepherd
And bring in the sheep
Some are now stranded
And in need of safe keep

Safety nets are required
To make the difference
Lurking wolves' desire
With naught but persistence

A shepherd must lead
Those prone to distraction
These lambs are in need
Shall we be missing in action?

Missionary work

To our neighbors we carry
A candle burning tall
And each missionary
Is awaiting our call

Their voice is unknown
Their stay... temporary
They need us to be shown
As extraordinary

Great things will happen
As we shed positive light
For we're a safe haven
Bright against the night

Let swelling testimonies be heard
Spreading our love for the Savior
That we might burst with new herds
Filled joyously with God's favor

May our mouths ring out thrice
Because we've new scriptures at hand
We've a vision from the Father and Christ
For the gospel's restoration and plan

Let us start with one ewe
Who's bleatings have been unheard
Let us lead and rescue
Through the call of the shepherd

As this lamb takes a hold
More are retrieved
And introduced to the fold
To be raised up to lead

Elder L. Tom Perry
Bring Souls Unto Me
Ensign May 2009

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